Need instruction in flyfishing

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2005
My 10-acre ranchette in Decatur/Bowie, Texas area is directly across the road from the entrance to LBJ National Grasslands. Lake Windmill is a 20-acre fly-fishing-only lake that's a 10-minute walk from my front door. But. . . I don't know how to flyfish. Five years ago, I watched Texas Fish and Wildlife people dump several barrels of Rainbow Trout fingerlings in the lake.

The lake is practically unknown and we never see anyone fishing there.

If there's a fly-fisherman/woman who would like to spend some time fishing in Lake Windmill while camping free on my FHU 30-amp RV port in exchange for a bit of  instruction for Tilly and me in the sport of flyfishing, please email writer29 at sbcglobal dot net.

You can see a description and directions to the ranchette at this link

Or For GPSers and computer-map holders, my main entry gate is at N33? 24.230 W97? 45.130. We'll be there for a couple of months, starting in early september, otherwise we're absentee owners.
Fly fishing is easy! Simply tie a piece of old meat to a piece of string and leave it lay out in the sun. You'll have more flies than you know what to do with. ;D ;D

Seriously, the RV Forum has some very avid fly fishermen in attendance, and I'm sure they will jump in without the slightest provocation.

I've wanted to try my hand at it too.

Good Luck!
An inviting offer and I'd gladly provide instructions on the basics. Alas we won't be in TX for some time.

Looks like you're selling the ranch, so you'll have probably moved before we get down there anyway.
Yes, the place is for sale, but no serious bites yet. In the past we've dedicated 3-6 months to the sale of similar value property, and we refuse to pay an agent for using his sign for a while.

I wonder whatever happened to that company that used to advertise, "If we don't sell  your home, we'll buy it ourselves. . . " That might be okay if the price were right.

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