Need Recommendations for WiFi Laptop Card

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Hondo, TX
Howdy, Framily.
I need to purchase a newer(than what the laptop currently has) technology WiFi card for my Dell Laptop. I don't want to tie up an USB port hence the decision to use a card. We've been considering the Hawking Technology Hi Gain 6db Wireless-G laptop card. What other choices would you recommend?

Currently at Sam's Camp in Lewistown, MT
Jackliz said:
Howdy, Framily.
I need to purchase a newer(than what the laptop currently has) technology WiFi card for my Dell Laptop. I don't want to tie up an USB port hence the decision to use a card. We've been considering the Hawking Technology Hi Gain 6db Wireless-G laptop card. What other choices would you recommend?

Currently at Sam's Camp in Lewistown, MT


There are others here on the forum with more knowledge than me, but IMHO you would be much better off with the Hawking USB wireless adapter. My reasoning is....with built-in wireless or a card when you get into a campground where the signal is weak you have to move the computer to a location where you get a good enough signal. With a USB wireless adapter you can move the adapter anywhere the cord will reach to get a good signal. I've been in campgrounds where I could not get online with my card unless I held the computer up in the window. With the USB adapter I just set it up in the window and kept the computer on the table.

If you're running out of USB ports get a USB hub. They work fine.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Tell Ron & Sam Hi from Peg and I.
Don is correct, a USB adapter will give you much better service than a PC Card.  If you are short on USB ports, then get a hub, but get a powered hub as not all devices will work with an unpowered hub.
Liz the wireless cared would not be much improvement over what you have.  The USB wireless adaptor is a much better option.  You can get a powered USB hub to give you more USB ports or you can get a PCMIA card that will give you additional USB ports.  To use a wireless card just would not be much improvement over what you currently have.
Take a look at the Hawking HWU8DD.  Ours work great!  Just Google "Hawking HWU8DD."


I almost answered you last night to reccommend the Hawkings USB HWU88D but decided if you wanted a card so be it.

I have to add my praise for the USB antenna, I get 3-4 times the range I was able with a 54G card.
I personally recommend the Orinoco Gold PCMCIA card.  Yes, it is only 802.11b which is only 11Mb/s, but internet service is at best only 3Mb/s anyways. 

The Orinoco card uses less power but achieves better range than 99% of other cards because it uses real metal antennas raised off the board instead of antennas etched onto the circuit board.  The Card also allows use of an external antenna to be used which would allow you to mount a higher gain antenna on the roof of your rig.  I've managed to hold connections for about a half mile with an external antenna.

Also, you can use a free Program called NetStumbler to achieve the best signal.  There is a reason why this card is the choice for wardrivers.
The thing that may be a big consideration is that a 802.11b card is no longer compatible with most of the framily satellite networks since most of us have switched to WPA for security.  Another big disadvantage of a card plugged into the PCMCIA slot is it has the same disadvantages as the built in wireless in that you have to move the whole computer around to improve signal.  The best I have seen is the Hawking HWU8DD.  I use to be a fan of the Orinoco card till I found what I thought to be much better in Linksys and now Hawking HWU8DD with a 8 DB gain.
I had 2 of the Orinoco Silver cards (802.11b and 64 bit WEP only) and have given them both away.  They are fine for the occasional visit to a coffee shop but for the typical RV use, they are inadequate for the reasons Ron has mentioned.  Even with the external antenna, which I have, they can't compare to the Hawking USB adapters for sensitivity.

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