Need to contact Forum Member, formerly with Monaco - Help

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Steve & Linda

Well-known member
Jun 19, 2012
When home, Pickens, SC
Can anyone help me locate the forum member who was working for Monaco but has now opened his own service/repair shop in Midwest? I tried searching for the topic thread he was part of but can't remember his moniker.  Your help is appreciated!
I'm scratching my head trying to recall a Monaco employee who was a forum member  ???
Was this person in the Wakarusa IN or Coburg OR facility?  That will help us figure it out.

OK, thanks for your replies; hopefully there will be more responses. As I said, I can't remember his name or much else other than he 'used' to work @ Monaco and has opened his own shop.  Here's the problem:  our windshield popped out while we were on the road and hit a rough piece of pavement. Horrible whistle to point we put in earplugs b/c we've had the windshield whistle before. We'd had it checked out & new seals put in before this trip. When we got to the cg where we're staying (Crater of Diamonds in AR) we found the windshield had a huge gap on passenger side from top corner to midway down. We called around and a fellow from The Glass Shop in Nashville, AR came out and fixed it (the gap is gone and seals back in place...and its not leaking) but didn't have equipment to center the entire windshield back in place. He recommends we take it easy when we leave Sunday for Oklahoma City and find an RV shop that can fix it right. So, I'm looking for suggestions. We will 'nurse' the RV along; we're following I-40 out towards Williams, AZ where we have our next long stop and need to be there by June 9th.

Thanks, Linda
Don't know how far west you are going.  Laughlin, NV has Monaco dealer. They use a portable glass guy that sealed our window. He said he had been in the RV glass business 40 years.
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