Need Your Recommendation

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New member
Apr 12, 2005
I'll be retiring at the end of this year (age 60) and will be purchasing a travel trailer soon thereafter.

I will be purchasing a used 25-27 ft. trailer not over 5500 pounds weight.  I've been doing a lot of reading and research and want to make sure I get one that doesn't have a "fishtailing" problem and that is very well laid out.

I realize that I may get dozens of different recommendations.  So, if you recommend a particular brand and/or model, please state why you recommend it.

Thanks in advance for your help.

jimrob said:
I'll be retiring at the end of this year (age 60) and will be purchasing a travel trailer soon thereafter.

I will be purchasing a used 25-27 ft. trailer not over 5500 pounds weight.? I've been doing a lot of reading and research and want to make sure I get one that doesn't have a "fishtailing" problem and that is very well laid out.

I realize that I may get dozens of different recommendations.? So, if you recommend a particular brand and/or model, please state why you recommend it.

Fishtailing (aka sway and yawing) is not so much a function of the make of a trailer as it is of the hitching system you use.? ?Elsewhere in this forum (reply #2 in Sway bars? in the Trailers section) I have given a rundown on the principles involved.? ? In terms of brand recommendations, I have used Reese's Dual Cam system and am well pleased.? ?A good friend uses the Hensley Arrow system and is well pleased with that.

Another issue to consider is your tow vehicle and its towing capacity.? ?Have you nailed that down yet?  It is a vital consideration.

As far as the trailer itself is concerned, stability is not usually an issue.  Condition, floor plan, and weight are more significant in your shopping.

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