New 5th Wheel Purchase - Thoughts ?

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I'm sure I've seen something like that but I can't remember where. It might have been on our European trip.

How long will you be in the Tampa area? We're about a 2 hr drive from there. Perhaps we could meet somewhere???
Hi Jim

We fly into Sanford on the 5th Jan and have rented a villa at Kissimmee until Feb 3rd.

Our intention is to visit a few dealers and the RV show, before making our purchase in early Feb.

Then, our only SET plans are to enter Canada (mid-April), Alaska (early-June), Calgary Stampede (mid-July), re-enter US (September), Las Vegas (my 40th birthday in late-October) and Disney or Keys for Christmas and New Year 2006/7.

In between all of that, we will probably just plan a couple of weeks ahead and take peoples advice at each campground on where we should head to next.


Kissimmee is even closer! Hope you and Ann-Marie will have time to visit. We're at The Great Outdoors in Titusville near the Kennedy Space Center. Would love to meet both of you!

Folks tend to avoid LA like it were poison, but if you decide to swing by shoot us an email, would like to have you all over.

Jim Dick said:
Would love to meet both of you!

Jim, you do realize that Paul lives in the "wrong" part of the UK  ;D  He lives on the other side of the border from Wales and Scotland and across the channel from Ireland.

I sure hope you can hook up with Paul and Marie. You and Pat are great ambassadors for the forum.

You dont know how close your comment is to the truth.

Scotland and Wales are slowly gaining independance from England - so much so that we will probably need our passport to enter those Countries soon (thats assuming we ever wanted to of course!!).

UK-RV said:
we will probably need our passport to enter those Countries soon (thats assuming we ever wanted to of course!!).

LOL Paul, as you probably know, all road signs in Wales were changed to dual language in the late 60's/early 70's. That was a temporary measure to allow "foreigners" to learn Welsh before permanently removing English from the signs  ;D

Here's a piece of trivia:


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Tom said:
Jim, you do realize that Paul lives in the "wrong" part of the UK  ;D  He lives on the other side of the border from Wales and Scotland and across the channel from Ireland.

I sure hope you can hook up with Paul and Marie. You and Pat are great ambassadors for the forum.

I guess I have to say all of the UK are our cousins. :) I hope there is time to visit. We might even try to find the gator for them. ;D ;D
Jim Dick said:
We might even try to find the gator for them. ;D ;D

They might not come of they read that. But it sure would be a good introduction to the Framily of they could.
Tom said:
They might not come of they read that. But it sure would be a good introduction to the Framily of they could.

We'll be sure it isn't hungry when we visit. ;D Would love to show them around. Heck, you and Chris survived. ;D ;D Hopefully some other members will be around as well. Haven't seen our gator this year yet. In fact they seem to be scarce at the moment. Haven't gotten to the wildlife refuge yet. They may all be over there.
Jim Dick said:
Heck, you and Chris survived.

We sure did Jim. In fact, one reason we bought our current coach instead of another boat was the great time we had that day with you and Pat, the Pallys and the Brincks. Attached is a photo from that day (I think you took the original). For the benefit of folks who haven't met us, left to right in the photo:

Jim and Pat Dick, Ginette and Steve Pally, Tom and Chris Jones, Nancy and Gary Brinck.

Jim's pet alligator is in the second row.


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