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Patti S

New member
Dec 28, 2018
I found myself suddenly living in a tent out of my car after a serious illness caused by a roof leak in my apartment. So after eight weeks of that I thought it would be really good for me to buy an RV and live on the road. However after a few months of this I am extremely disappointed and anxious about RV living. I got in over my head for sure. Big bank loan to boot. My dog is also having a big problem with this. Anyone out there that has suggestions on how to get out of this? I?m pretty scared and lonely
Sorry to hear that, Patti. There is no simple way out either - just put it up for sale and take your loss, which [sadly] is likely to be substantial.  Either that or learn to like your new lifestyle. Perhaps if you explained more about why you are disappointed, we could maybe help alleviate some of it.  But if you fell for the glowing advertisements of a carefree and inexpensive life on wheels, the facts of RV life are probably going to be a bitter pill.  Many folks here live in their RVs and love it, though.
1st Welcome to the forum,

Please do share some of the problems you are facing. I would have to think that a RV would be a better option than a tent.
Maybe...?.give us a clue as to where you're located. Someone from here might drop in and say "HI". There's THOUDANDS of friends out there just waiting to meet you. :)
When I see someone on one of the pilot/flying forums that I frequent, that may be having "difficulty" understanding something about airplanes, I'll try to see where they're located either on the site or by PM. Then I'll offer to meet up with them and take them for a ride.
I sent you a personal message, Patti.  By the way, you share a name with my best friend from 3rd grade on up! 

I can only tell you that RVers, especially full-timers are the best group of people I have known.  From the first day I took my brand-new motorhome out for a trial run and had an immediate offer of help from the lady parked in front of me to times even now when I get stuck with something, I know I can count on my neighbors. 

So, tell us something about yourself.  Maybe we can help you solve a few problems, especially in terms of living better and less expensively. 
[quote author=JudyJB]I sent you a personal message, Patti.[/quote]

Judy, be aware that Patti will not be able to reply directly to the PM. (PMs are not enabled for new members who haven't posted a minimum number of public messages). She could, however, reply via email by clicking the 'envelope' icon beneath your avatar.
Patti you may find that we here are a tad biased in favor of the RV life.. but yes. there are problems.

Now with an apartment when "Stuff" like that roof leak, happens you contact the owner and they have the responsibility to fix it.. NOTE:  If they "Took their time" and this contributed to your medical issues they may also enjoy liability (I'm not a lawyer and one will be needed to tell you if they do).

But with the RV.. You have the "Joys of ownership".. That means when stuff goes wrong.. YOU get to fix it..  We are very good at helping you to minimize the cost of doing that.

THe dog  Well as much as I like dogs I have a cat in my RV. they are more.. er.. compact (Maine Coons are BIG and I mean BIG house cats. many dogs are smaller.. Alex is about 30 pounds and is clearly a 2 hands needed cat).. I've held dogs that do not even need one of my XXXL hands. )

One of hte big problems dogs have is steps. Some dogs just can no longer handle them (Some people too.. I mean I prefer a ramp if I have the choice) and they make ramps for those dogs..

The big issue with an RV is compactness.  For me. not that big an issue.. Though I'd like and some day will again have a storage cache somewhere to park some stuff in.
I'm sorry to hear things aren't working out. I'm unsure of what you're asking; did you want advice on selling the RV or how to get out of the financial aspect of it or ho to fix the individual problems? Tell us more and hopefully we can help make this less painful.
First, sorry to read of your struggles.  As others have said, more information will be helpful to drill down on some help.  In the mean time take things one step at a time, trying to solve everything at once can be too overwhelming.  Since you have an RV you have already solved one problem, a place to live if only temporary.  So make the most of it and try to learn to like your new home by getting into a routine, get out and enjoy yourself a bit and take a deep breath.  As for your dog, it is very possible your dog is picking up on your energy, so if you can find a way to come to peace that will go along with your dog adapting.  Also, dogs typically can be adaptable, but it may take time so be patient. 
I hate no updates! I realize that sometimes it just happens. But in cases like this, it would be nice to know if the OP is surviving or not! It's hard to offer help not knowing if the OP even read the replies.  :(
denmarc said:
I hate no updates! I realize that sometimes it just happens. But in cases like this, it would be nice to know if the OP is surviving or not! It's hard to offer help not knowing if the OP even read the replies.  :(
She was having trouble figuring out how to respond to current posts, she emailed me and I talked her through it, but I'll email her again and see if she can pop back and try again.
RVMommaTo6 said:
She was having trouble figuring out how to respond to current posts, she emailed me and I talked her through it, but I'll email her again and see if she can pop back and try again.

Hopefully she's getting things sorted out...Thanks for the update

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