New kid on the block

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


New member
Aug 3, 2005
Shaver Lake, California
Greetings from Shaver Lake, California.  My wife and I are new to this forum.  We have been Class A RV'rs for 2 years now.  Though we don't travel as much as we should, we plan on doing more in the future.  We look forward to getting to know folks on this forum
Welcome aboard, doc & wife.  Feel free to join in any conversation or start one of your own.  What brand of motorhome do you have and where have you traveled so far?

Though it is not required, most people here sign their posts with their first name or nickname rather than the login "handle".  It puts us all on a first name basis and is  part of our friendly atmosphere.
Let me add my welcome to Gary's. You'll find this to be a friendly bunch.
AH64Doc said:
Greetings from Shaver Lake, California.? My wife and I are new to this forum.? We have been Class A RV'rs for 2 years now.? Though we don't travel as much as we should, we plan on doing more in the future.? We look forward to getting to know folks on this forum

Welcome to the RV Forum.  We are glad you found us.  Please join in the ongoing discussions, start new discussions, or ask any questions you might have relating to the RVing lifestyle. I'm sure you will find we are a very friendly group.

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