new member and new rver.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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New member
Mar 13, 2006
My wife and I are brand new to the motorhome world.  We've boated and airplaned and fully expect to enjoy this experience at least as much.  I'm retired and looking forward to this adventure as a kind of new career.  The prospect of learning from the thousands of Forum members is reassuring and encouraging. 
Hi catbird and welcome to our forum. You're in good company here in being a convert from boating &/or flying.

Feel free to look around and let us know if we can help or answer any questions.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad you found us.  Having owned several airplanes we find the RVing lifestyle to be very enjoyable.  I'm sure you will enjoy getting to know the framily here.  Hopefully you will be able to join us at a RV Forum rally.

Welcome aboard, catbird.

Indeed, full or even "most" time RVing is a different lifestyle and very much like a new career.  Expect some adventures and a lot of fun!!!  :D
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