New Member from Indiana

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New member
Jun 1, 2006
New to RVing - just bought a Class C.? Previous to that had a LQ Horse Trailer and pulled it all over the US hauling my 3 children and 5 horses to equestrian events.? The 2 oldest 23 & 21 have left home (love 'em but glad they have flown the nest) but the 12 year old daughter still lives at home with hubby & me.? We've downsized to 2 horses (actually 3, but 1 is geriatric and stays at home) so have decided to go with pulling a 2-horse bp when we need to haul the horses.? Right now we are having so much fun just camping in the m/h, fishing and relaxing - meeting new friends and did I say relaxing?? We have spent the last 25+ years climbing the corporate ladder and it sure is nice to see retirement coming soon.? We have 7 years (not that I am counting - lol) left to go before we reap the benefits by way of a pension and hit the road to see more of the US at a more leisurely pace.? Before now, we'd haul to the horse event, do our thing, then haul home - never enjoying or exploring the place where we had been.

I've read a few of these posts as a 'guest' and can honestly say - your tips will come in handy!? Thanks everyone for posting such knowledgeable answers to help us 'newbies'....
Hi and welcome to our forum. I see you've already started looking around and posted your first question. Let us know if we can help.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad ou found us.  Please feel free to ask any questions that you might have regarding RVing.  Thanks for joining us.

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