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New member
Jan 6, 2019
Hi ladies, gents, scholars, RVers, not in any particular order.

I thought I'd join the RVForum community and introduce myself. As you can tell by my user name I am a huge Star Wars g33k. Also a Microsoft engineer - so you help me with RV advice I can help you with tech, deal?

I rep the NW evergreen WA state and I'm 35 now. I come from a middle class family and wife is from 3rd world country, but we are both really hard working. A couple years ago (in a galaxy far far away) the wife and I bought a 2016 F350 with plans of getting a camper to enjoy the great outdoors as my family grew up tent camping. We picked up a 2017 Arctic Fox 865. On a whim, we later sold our 13k sq ft lot / 2k sq ft house when the market was high to buy 2 acres vacant lot in the same city. The plan was to live off the land and eventually build dream home only to find out county restrictions etc and architect timelines. We somehow ended living in the AF865 truck camper for 8+ months (with two large breed Norwegian Elkhounds) on the side of a friends house until plans and permits are squared away. The dogs shortly adapted and so did we (all inside camper at night w/ lil dog ramp, a 10x10 AKC kennel next to parked truck/camper during day, and dogs roam free when we're off work). Life was amazing and it was then I learned to truly appreciated RV lifestyle. We've gone on a few trips so far and looking forward to traveling adventures across the continent.  I stepped out of a comfort zone and ended up with a much larger slice of life, and looking back I am still not sure how it all happened.

I am starting to find that RVs are like boats and full of problems and maintenance which is how I ended up here. I couldn't winterize/pump after sitting in storage and learned how to prime thanks to you folks. I am looking fwd to all the wisdom in the forum and someday chime in myself. For now, I thank you for sharing your tips & adventures.

Darth Haul
Hi and welcome to the forum. Good to have you join in. Lots of Star Wars and Star Trek fans here.

It's a beautiful country to explore as I'm sure you will find. Lots of folks do weekends until they have time for longer trips.

Safe travels.
Welcome Darth,

As you have already discovered..You can find answers to almost anything RV related on this site.
And of course if you can't find what you need just post a question. 

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