New Member, Robert Penn

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
North Texas/Northern California
Hello all, my name is Robert. The wife and I are new to the RV world, but we have weekended on our boat for many years.? We have a Winnebago Journey, which so far has accumulated only about 6k miles. So you can see we have a lot to learn.? We are retired and have been dividing our time between California and Texas but now with the RV our choices of where to be are a little more complex.? I am a boating friend of Tom?s and he invited me to the forum.
Hi Robert,

Welcome to the RV Forum. Glad you found us.  We have a lot of rving knowledge available here on the form so feel free to ask any questions that arise.  Please feel free to join in any of the discussions or start a discussion. 

Oh we won't hold it against you being a friend of Toms' after all he is our hero. ;D
Well hi there Caltex. What a nice surprise seeing you posting here. Two folks showing up here on the same day claiming to be friends of mine is going to ruin my reputation.
Hi Robert and welcome to the RV Forum.  Any friend of Tom's is automatically a friend to all here  ;D ;D.  I'm sure you will enjoy your RV and the RVing life and we are all here to help with answers to any questions you might have.
Hey Robert

Glad to hear you'll be in Cal. soon. We will have to meet at Milrded and plan the August trip.


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