New Orleans/Gulf Coast Area

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007
Wherever the Road Leads
Hi Everyone  :D,

We will be traveling to New Orleans in May and are looking for some recommendations.  We would love to stay in an RV Park in New Orleans, but would like to see if there are other less expensive options, and then get a hotel in the city for a few nights.  Any recommendations for RV Parks in New Orleans or the Surrounding areas?  Any recommendations for an RV park outside the city that we could leave our Motorhome for a few days, should we decide to get a hotel in the city?  Any recommendations for other places to visit in the Gulf Coast area while we are there?  Also we would love any tips or recommendations for things to see in New Orleans. 

Thank you,

Our daughter lives in Baton Rouge so we are in the area several months each year. New Orleans has at least two high dollar RV parks right in the city, French Quarter RV Park and Ponchartrain Landing, but after that the pickings get slim.

Cajun Palms in Henderson is a bit far out but is quite nice. Fountainebleau State Park in Mandeville is supposed to be very nice but we have never stayed there.  Biloxi has several nice parks, but now we are wandering all over the area. You have to appreciate the terrain in the bayou country to understand why you don't find a lot of RV park resources.

We stay at Lakeside RV Park in Livingston on I-12 just east of Baton Rouge and just an hour from New Orleans. It is one of the nicest in the area and you would not have any trouble leaving your rig there for several days.

Because we spend so much time in the area, we have scouted this part of the Gulf Coast quite extensively. Katrina and the pressure from working campers in the area really puts pressure on available resources.

You don't say what size you are, but we are in a 42' motorhome, so we have to be a little picky about access and site size, which is usually the issue in the state parks. We tend to find the nicer parks in the area and then adjust to the commute.
I second the Lakeside RV Park in Livingston as a great campground....even if it still doens't have cable. Large paved spots, nice pond, beautiful park and great folks there made it a must stop for us on our way to Texas for several years. As we now head to Florida, it's a bit out of the way for us.

While we were in New Orleans last summer we stayed at the Jude Travel Park.  It's cheap and about 12 minutes from the French Quarter.  It's not on the best side of town (if there is one) but it has a security gate and we felt safe and secure.
klieneine said:
Have you ever stayed at Ponchartrain Landing?

No, but I have seen several Forumites post about it - you could search for their responses.

It really does look great but at almost $60 a night, that's right at our pain point. However, now that you have stirred me up, we may have to drop by for a couple of nights and test drive it anyway!  8)
There are a few state parks around New Orleans, stayed at two of them, they are 18 a night.
Bayou Segnette, the ferry is 15 minutes away, drops you off at the downtown area.
Fontainebleau State Park and you can take the causeway to downtown.
If you have time you may want to check this out,  I have never stayed only visited, and  don't know if they have any restriction  on size.
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