New RVer from Florida

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New member
Sep 30, 2006
I'm a long time resident of central Florida and looking forward to our adventures in our first RV!
My husband said I would like this forum as I can get a flavor of destinations, types of RV's, places to see, things to experience.
Sounds like fun!
Welcome CherylAnn.  Where in central Florida do you live?  We have an RV lot in Titusville where we spend our winters.  Interesting, I have a cousin named CherylAnn who lives in the Tampa/Plant City area but she doesn't have a husband so I guess we are not related.

You will find this to be a great forum.  Lots of folks ready to answer any questions you have!!  Ask away!
D2 said:
Welcome CherylAnn.? Where in central Florida do you live?? We have an RV lot in Titusville where we spend our winters.? Interesting, I have a cousin named CherylAnn who lives in the Tampa/Plant City area but she doesn't have a husband so I guess we are not related.

You will find this to be a great forum.? Lots of folks ready to answer any questions you have!!? Ask away!
Thank-you for the welcome :)
We're not far from Titusville......In fact, we're planning on staying at the Great Outdoors (for the first time) later this month.
If that's where you spend your winters, or if you know about it, what do you thinik of it?
Thanks again :)
Hi CherlAnn and welcome aboard!

We are also from central Florida, just east of Ocala in the Ocala National Forest.  At the moment we are in Virginia viisting family, enroute to our Florida home base after spending the summer in Moses Lake, WA.

You can't help but like TGO - it's a gorgeous place.  If you want to live in an RV in a fixed location, there is none better.
Yes, we spend our winters at The Great Outdoors (TGO).  We love it.  Let me know if I can help with information about TGO or the Titusville area.
I am also in Florida SouthEast coast.  We are taking our first long trip for Thanksgiving, going to Montana, then Arizona back to Florida, can anyone tell us what the roads to avoid during this time of the year?
Wow  Montana  in Nov  ouch  could be tough drive to AZ in Dec

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