New Tablet, have a question

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Dec 12, 2008
Where ever we park it!
The DW bought me a Tablet for Christmas, and I must say I am loving the convenience.  It is a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, and the learning curve has not been too steep.  It just has way more stuff on it than I have had time to discover.  But I am getting better every day. 

The question I have is that this tablet does, and will not have the ability to play flash video files.  When I went to the Flash Player site, they say that their player will not be supported in this version of Android software.  The older version of Android software still is. 

It came loaded with ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich) software.  I believe the version is 4.1 or thereabouts.  Samsung is not ready to upgrade to Jelly Bean software as yet.  When I tried to download an app for the player from the Google store, it loaded fine but would not run a flash video. 

While it's not a huge deal, many sites still use flash video to preview their products (like on the Winnebago site). 

Anybody have any ideas or fixes for this missing program?
Marty, see Here. I haven't tried to do this on my Galaxy Tab 10.1.
our ASUS is at JellyBean and chrome will not run flash.  In the past month, more and more websites are using a different approach that will run in JB/Chrome/Google.  All the U-Tube stuff plays fine.  Might take a while but I expect it to be OK before long.
Flash is dead.  Steve Jobs put the final nail in that coffin. Silverlight (Microsoft's competitor) never got a foothold. HTML 5 is the answer, and I'd expect to see less and less Flash applications being developed.

We're going to have to stop this follow the leader stuff! A JK, Winn 34y Journey, and now I'm typing this on a Note 10.1. Next thing, I'll hear you are headed to FL.  ;D

PS I got out of the Army as a Sargent!
Cool Ernie, I knew I had a twin somewhere!  Thanks Tom, I will try that later this evening.  I will let you know how it goes....
You can get Flash using the link that tom posted as a guide. Currently NONE of the browsers available in Android support flash except the standard browser that comes packaged with your tablet. If you try to use Chrome or some other downloaded version it flash will not work even if its installed.

Good luck!

Just trying to figure this out for you. Have you enabled plugins in the browser? If your not sure open the stock browser and click the three little dots which opens a menu then click Settings > Advanced > Enable plug-ins. To enable Flash content all the time, select ?Always on?

That is suppose to do it if you have flash on your device and a stock browser open.

Lets me know,

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