New to forum but not to RVing

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Active member
Mar 22, 2005
I'm new to forum, but have owned various units for 10 years. Have a 1999 American Star 5ver that I am trading on a 2005 New Vision Sporster so I can take my Harley with me.

Welcome to our friendly forum. Feel free to jump into any of the discussions or start one of your own. Let us know if we can answer any questions. Hopefully you can share some of your own knowledge and experience with others.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  Let us know if we can help in any way and feel free to participate in any discussion on the Forum.

After you've had an opportunity to look around, please respond to our poll
hapecamper said:
I'm new to forum, but have owned various units for 10 years. Have a 1999 American Star 5ver that I am trading on a 2005 New Vision Sporster so I can take my Harley with me.



Welcome to the RV Forum.  Sounds like you have some experience with 5vers.  Please feel free to join in any of the discussions or start a new discussion.  What kind of Harley do you have?
Hi Hapecamper,

Welcome to the friendliest forum in cyberspace. Hope you enjoy your stay. Be sure to ask any question you may have and jump in on any conversation where you can contribute. Hope you enjoy your new RV.

Hi and welcome to the RV Forum.  We're happy to see you here and hope you enjoy your stay.  Once you get the hang of how the software works, how about sending a picture of your new rig?  We always enjoy seeing people's new pride and joys.
hapecamper said:
Thanks for asking. I have a 2004? Heritage Softail Classic.

Sounds great.  I'm sure you will have some great travels in it.  Why not try joining the fraily at one of our rallies?  There are two coming up one in Moab 1 May thru 11 May 2005.  They are already taking reservations foer the Moab 2006 rally to.

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