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New member
Dec 1, 2005
We are newcomers - names are David and Jan and we spend the winter time at Happy Trails in AZ and the summer in the Olympia, WA area plus parts inbetween. 

We would like to know if there are any other members who are in Happy Trails and what kind of activites or trips you go on as a group. 
Hi David & Jan,

Welcome to the forum. There are several members who live at Happy Trails and I'm sure they will be sending you messages. The big rally in Quartzsite is coming up in January. Be sure to plan on attending as many of our "western" members attend and even some "eastern" members. We live in FL and won't be heading that way this year. We did attend last year.
David & Jan,

I'll add my welcome to Jim's. Glad to have you here and hope you'll join in the discussions or start one of your own.

You can read about the Quartzsite rally that Jim mentioned here.
David & Jan,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad you found us.  There are at least four of the framily that are in Happy Trails.  I second Jim's comment about attending the RV Forum Quartzsite rally.  Great chance to meet several of the framily.  Looking forward to your participation here.

Yep, several of us here. come on down and chat. Look for a pm soon.
Sceptor  Smokey is just down the road from you at Pueblo El Mirage and I'll be out there in Jan Not sure yet where we'll be but at one of 4 nice places there.  Welcome  and just possible might run into you there.
Scepter said:
We would like to know if there are any other members who are in Happy Trails and what kind of activites or trips you go on as a group. 

Welcome to the HT Framily.  I think you make number 7.

Quartzsite is the big winter event around here.  We have been known to visit Russ once in a while when he is on his patio looking for the GREEN FLASH.

On rare occasions, some of us get together for the ice cream event at the Town Center.

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