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New member
Jun 9, 2013
:)  hello all!  I'll start off with my name,  Layn  and now if you reread  my username you will get it. I have camped,  hunted and fished,  all out of tents, trailers,  trucks, and  under the open stars. I  love the outdoors and now that I'm older I  have decided that I  need a  better way to provide a  good camping experience to my family.  I'm also an amateur  gold miner and a  mobile camp just makes more sense. So this last January  we bought a 1982  Tiffin  Alegro. 30 footer.  Talk about busted... I  really had to do some work  this winter. I  finally just finished this weekend.  and I  thought I  might share what I  have done here and maybe some will have recommendations  for future projects.  so here is a list
1.  fixed kitchen sink drain
2.  fixed 12v battery connections at gen/ main bank  which was the reason for no water pump or propane.
3.  added 4 100 amp hour  deep cycle AGM  batteries
4.  built  (myself) and added 300  watts (almost) of solar power to charge those batteries
5. a dded a 5000watt 10000watt peak inverter and now the RV powers itself.
6.  had to fix broken water lines  from  freeze damage
7.  replaced the propane water heater with a new all electric  six gallon heater
8.  installed a knife style shutoff  switch for the generator
9.  replaced the bathroom faucet
10. gave her a tune up
11. replaced the engine battery with a 1100CCA  battery
12.  wired in an electric fence  for fun
13. had to  re plumb  the water lines because they had removed  the hot water side
14. fixed the headlights  because of faulty wiring
15.  fixed the fuel tank switch.
16.  hooked up the fuel tank  fill house on the aux tank. 

there is more but the list is a little long now.  I  bought  her  for pretty cheap $1200 and  now  after all that work I  think she is worth a bit more and now I am finally ready to take her out camping.  hope every one enjoyed the read here  and  happy trails to all!
Hi Layn and welcome to The RV Forum. Sounds like you've had a busy, but productive winter.
Wow, Layn.  Wish I was handy enough to even do half the things you listed.  You undoubtedly saved yourself a boatload of money.  You will find lots of helpful people here to help you with questions on future projects.  It also sounds like you can be a source of information for us "not so handy" kinda people.  Welcome to the forum.

Steve N Dee said:
Wow, Layn.  Wish I was handy enough to even do half the things you listed.  You undoubtedly saved yourself a boatload of money.  You will find lots of helpful people here to help you with questions on future projects.  It also sounds like you can be a source of information for us "not so handy" kinda people.  Welcome to the forum.


I agree with Steve!  My recommendation is to rest and enjoy the fruit of your labor. 

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