New Venturi 3.1 (for Verizon Mobile Office)

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Gary RV_Wizard

Site Team
Feb 2, 2005
West Palm Beach, FL
There is a new version of Venturi available - V3.1. Venturi claims it is up to 7x faster than operations without Venturi. Both PC & Mac versions are available.  It is available direct from Venturi at

Venturi is the accelerator which comes with the Verizon Mobile Office Kit (MOK).

When I oriiginally nstalled MOK a couple years ago, Verizon said to NOT install Venturi. Has that changed, or was I given bad info? Now have an LG VX6100 and need to get a new version of MOK. Suggestions on where to buy? Thanks.
Karl said:
When I oriiginally nstalled MOK a couple years ago, Verizon said to NOT install Venturi. Has that changed, or was I given bad info?


The Venturi download site for the new software says Verizon DOES NOT support Venturi.  I run the Venturi that came with Mobile Office Kit and I have not had any problems with it.

Sounds strange to me.  If Verizon did not want you toever  install Venturi, why did they include it in the MOK in the first place???

You don't need Venturi, but sometimes it helps, e.g. if you have to get to a website and only have the 14.4 kbps Quick Net connect service available.  I have it installed, but only use it some of the time.  My speeds on NA are usually good enough I don't need Venturi at all.
Karl said:

When I oriiginally nstalled MOK a couple years ago, Verizon said to NOT install Venturi. Has that changed, or was I given bad info? Now have an LG VX6100 and need to get a new version of MOK. Suggestions on where to buy? Thanks.

You can buy the VG6100 MOK directly from Verizon via their website (that's where I got mine) or from one of the Verizon stores. The Venturi Accel came with my MOK from Verizon. I have downloaded the new version and am about to install. The Venturi website said Verizon doesn't support it, not that it is incompatible with Verizon. Hope my phone doesn't implode. (vbg)
Hi Gary,

I installed the new version and now it doesn't work. I get a message that says, "unable to connect to venturi server".
I guess I will do a restore back to before the download. Not sure what the problem is.
I got the same thing. Going to uninstall the new version and reinstall the old version.
Gary, Bruce, and Jerry:

Sounds strange to me.  If Verizon did not want you to ever  install Venturi, why did they include it in the MOK in the first place???

Haven't a clue, but when it wouldn't work the tech had me reinstall without it and it worked; not well, but it worked. Bear in mind that some techs are like some doctors - they eliminate the symptoms but do nothing about finding the real problem.

I've never been able to connect at a decent speed using Express Network or Quick 2 Net (I understand that Quick 2 Net is only 14.4 to begin with). Very frustrating. I'll check with Verizon and see if the MOK already has Venturi 3.1 on the disk. Probably not. If it does, I'll just have to find a back release somewhere or not install it at all.

Looking forward to hearing about any future install tips from you.

Thanks for the input. 
I have now heard elsewhere of  reports of problems with the new Venturi, so perhaps everybody should hold off for awhile.

Karl, you can get any of the older versions of  the Verizon Access software (including Venturi)  from the Files section of the InternetByCellPhone Yahoo group.  To join, go to

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