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New member
Sep 9, 2005
Hello everyone!

New to this recreational adventure and already have a question and I am not too sure where to post it.

I am looking for a generator for my trailer and would like to power a microwave and tv as well as my laptop and printer. I know I may not be able to power all of these at once but, something to atleat power the a/c and tv together would be great. Some friends purchased a Kipor 3500ti and Love it, just wondering what others opinions are and where the best price is online. I did a search on google and came up with this site which was listed at the top of the results:

Thanks for any comments you care to leave,


Welcome to the RV Forum.  You will get lots of friendly help.

I'm  not familiar with Kipor.

I have a Yamahi 1000, a lot of folks have the Hondas.  These are really DC generators with inverters.  That means that the engine speed is dependant on load.  That helps keep it quiet.  The Honda 2000i is 53-59 dB, the Kipor is 60-64.  I have to admit that I don't have any feel for how much difference these 5-7 dB will make to you and your neighbors.  (3 dB is twice as loud, 6 dB four times as loud.)

I would find a dealer and listen to it before I bought.

A 3500 watt generator would almost certainly power the a/c.  The biggies are the a/c and the microwave.  Our trailer has 30 amp service and we have to turn the a/c off to run the microwave.

Have you figured out where you're going to mount/carry the generator?
In regards to where I will store the unit ,I have not figured out anything yet. it will probably just go inside the truck and by brought out when we get where we're going.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  I'm sure you will get answers to your questions here.  There has been a lot of discussions recently on which Generator to get.
Ron said:
There has been a lot of discussions recently on which Generator to get.

Id Imagine there is, can you post some links to those threads?
You can use the SEARCH function to find "generator" threads, but here is one currently running:;topicseen
deepinit said:
In regards to where I will store the unit ,I have not figured out anything yet. it will probably just go inside the truck and by brought out when we get where we're going.

First of all, Google is your friend.  Try a Google search on kipor generators (like you did already) and you'll find lots of discussion.

You said you have friends who have one and love it.  Suggestions: spend some quality time listening to it, picking it up, and measuring it and the space in your truck where you're going to put it.

You should not have to turn off your A/C just to run the microwave. I have 30 amp service in my motorhome and can run the micro and A/C together, along with the TV and VCR.
Not sure how big your A/C is but mine pulls about 15 amps after startup.

Woody said:

You should not have to turn off your A/C just to run the microwave.



Agree with the "should", but we tripped breakers a couple of times.  Only happened when it was hot!!


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