Newbie needs help

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Jul 26, 2006
I am a newbie and I am looking for help from you seasoned fifth wheelers.  What items do you make sure you always have in your trailer before you leave on a trip?  What tools do you make sure you have with you?  What items do you consider a necessity?  What items are nice-to-haves?  What accessories do you think are very worthwhile?  Any info you can provide will be greatly appreciated so I won't have to learn the hard way.

Welcome to the forum and for starters, check the Library.  The litlle Blue Box i/3 way down the page on the right side.  I think you will find some interesting articles.  Good Luck
As Shayne suggests, we have some checklists in our library that might help. Click the Library button above, then select Checklists.
Clothes, food, toys

Remember that there are grocey stores and WalMarts nearly everywhere.

Your danger might be in trying to take too much stuff.

Let me add some tools to the lists in the library:

1.  A small, plug-in AC voltmeter to monitor CG power.  Plug it in permanently in a visible outlet.  If the voltage drops below 105VAC, it can damage A/C units.

2.  A cheap Radio Shack multimeter.

3.  A pair of 12 - 16" curved jawed Channel Lock pliers.  Invaluable for tightening and losening hose couplings.

4.  Two long neck barbeque lighters.  One to back up the other.

5.    A boxed multi-bit screwdriver kit.  RVs use a lot of square drive screws as well as phillips head and slot head.

6.    A 1/2" drive clicker torque wrench for checking wheel nut torque.  Buy a cheap one, you will use it only occasionally -- say like the start of each trip.

7.  A mini Maglite or two.  They have the advantage that you can hold them in your mouth while you try to light a water heater in the dark or other such chores. 

8.  Spare DC light bulbs for your interior lights, your cleareance lights and your tail lights.

9.  A portable weather radio.

10.  Tire gauge.

Thank you all for the information.  I checked out the library and there is a wealth of information there.  Also, thank you Carl for you additions to the list.  This is just what I was looking for.  This forum is a wonderful source of information and help.

kmcisaac said:
I am a newbie and I am looking for help from you seasoned fifth wheelers.? What items do you make sure you always have in your trailer before you leave on a trip?? What tools do you make sure you have with you?? What items do you consider a necessity?? What items are nice-to-haves?? What accessories do you think are very worthwhile?? Any info you can provide will be greatly appreciated so I won't have to learn the hard way.


in addition to what has already been covered - it's probably wouldn't hurt to make sure your family is on board before starting out :)

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