Newbie sayin' Hello!- Need help with disability equipment

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Active member
Jun 3, 2013
Carlsbad, CA
Hi Folks,

Been reading up on this forum for a few months now. Decided to join in; you all seem like a nice bunch  ;).
Wife and I are on the hunt for an older DP in the 38~40' range. We've rented a few Class A's over the years and enjoyed the adventure. Now that we are quickly becoming empty nesters (daughter goes off to college this fall), we need to occupy our w/e's and vacation time.

Stumbling block for me has been finding alternate foot controls for handicap driver (me).
I don't have use of a right foot, so I wanted to use a Left Foot Accelerator Pedal (LFAP), several of which are available commercially for automobiles.
However, the DP chassis that I've seen have the steering column come straight down between the driver's feet.
Makes it impossible to use these commercially available LFAP devices. Almost requires a duplicate set of pedals to the left of the steering column.

Any other amputees (right leg) out there that have adapted their rig. How did you do it?


What came to mind when I read your post was hand controls. I do not know if this is an option or not.
Thanks all.

Halfwright, I am considering hand controls-it may be the easiest option.
Would prefer pedals to stay common with my automobiles. The reflexes will be more developed...
But at the end of the day, if it allows me to enjoy driving a coach, then hand controls will work.

Bill, I have no idea the cost of hand controls or the requirements. If you are looking at an older DP then the LFAP option might not be out of the question. Depending on the year etc it might be as simple as moving the pedal and treadle valve, which is hooked to the pedal from under the floor, to the left side of the column. If you actually have the floor space it wouldn?t be a terrible job for a fab shop but I don?t know what the requirements are here. Just thinking about how mine is set up and what I could do if I wanted to move the pedal. Might still be worth considering? Good luck with it.
Thanks for all the useful suggestions.
It might be working out for  me after almost "settling for a gas coach that had a friendlier foot pedal arrangement for the use of a Left Accelartor Pedal adapter.

I contacted a local large dealer and explained my situation, and desire for a used DP. Apparently they have a connection with the Wounded Warriors program, and have access to a mobility conversion company. The sales person has been very helpful thus far and has assured me that it won't be a problem to do this mobility conversion.

So, it appears that I will be purchasing a 2006 Coachmen Cross Country 370DS with about 25K miles. The dealer will arrange to have the pedal solution installed prior to me taking posession. :)

Keeping my fingers crossed that it all works out OK over the next few weeks.
Hopefully I will be back in other parts of the forum asking newbie questions about camping, etc..

Wow- didn't realize how long a go I originally posted this.

It's been a long journey, but we finally took delivery of our RV yesterday!
The mobility equipment (Left Foot controls) was installed nicely, and our dealer prepped this pre-owned unit really well.
(I have to give a shout-out to La Mesa RV here in San Diego for just doing an outstanding job, in my book.)
It took a while, but worth it in the end.

We are really happy with our selection, and have spent the last 24 hrs. "dialing it in". Our first adventure with it will be next weekend.


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