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Apr 6, 2005
Well kind of for 20 years we had access to my FIL's 40' Pace Arrow,what a sweet deal that was.  When he sold it we thought we would not miss it.....wrong.  So we recently bought Winnebago Superchief it needs some TLC but we are getting it shape slowly.  I am hoping to have shake down cruise by the end of June.  I would do it sooner but hey I am still a working guy. :)

NN or Glenn dosen't matter to me.

Welcome to the RV Forum and Framily.  We are glad you found us.  Please join in any of the ongoing discussions or start a new discussion.  Please feel free to ask any questions you have about RVing. Sounds like you have some experience RVing.  You are also invited to attend any of the forum rallies.  The nest are Southeast Spring rally and the Moab rally in Southern Ut.    Thanks for Joining us.

What part of the country are you from?
Hi Glenn and welcome to the RV Forum.  We are happy to see that you found us and hope that you will make this your on-line home for RVing subjects and camaraderie.  What part of the country are you from?  If possible, it would be nice if you could attach pictures of yourself and significant other as well as of your new coach to a message in the near future.  :)

This is our MH and we live in Martin Tennessee.

Thanks for sharing the photo of your MH and letting us know where you are.  The Southeast Spring Rally is coming up soon check the events calander for dates if you are interested in attending.  The Moab rally is 1 -11 May if your interested and you are welcome to join us there too. 

Thanks for the quick response with the pictures and your location.? Your rig looks to be in pretty good shape as far as can be seen in the picture.? You said it needs some TLC - what kind?

By the way.? If you click on "Additional Options" at the lower left of the message composition screen you will see a box labeled "Attach".? By clicking the browse button you can go to your picture files and select one you want to attach to the message.? Just be sure that the file size is under 256K and preferably under 100K.? 256K is the maximum allowable file attachment size but smaller file sizes are prefered to minimize download time for those who are using dial-up or cellular connections to access the forum.? Unfortunately I am not on my own computer - we are visiting our daughter in So. Cal. (our "winter" site is in Yuma) - so I have no pictures I can attach as a demonstration.



The home had not been washed in what looked like 3 or 4 years, it was, in a word, nasty.? The water heater and furnace just had a corroded wire connections cleaned them up and they worked fine.? Generator needed points,TV antennea would not crank up,the roof needed to be recoated,had a few running lights to get operational.? ?We want to put in new carpet repaper the walls just generaly make it ours.? Thankfully they did keep the engine, transmission,rearend,and tires maintained.  All in all not bad for a 1988 model with only 55,000 miles.

I am going to work some on the pictures I need to figure out how to resize them.


I'd recommend that you give the coach a good coat of either Protect-All or Dri-Wash n' Dry (Spelling??) to keep it looking good.? I personally use Protect-All and my 5 year old coach looks like it just came off the production line other than for the inevitable nicks and dings that you accumulate over nearly 50,000 miles of driving on all types of roads.? Others here swear by the Dri-Wash product.? So, take your choice? ;D.

Be sure to run your generator for at least 30 min-1 Hr per month under full load (both A/C's on will do).? This gets rid of any moisture that may have gotten iinto the generator itself and keeps the generator's fuel system cleaned up.

Have you checked the date codes on the tires?? If they were manufactured more than 5-7 years ago they should be replaced no matter how "good" they may look.? Tires lose their plasticizers with exposure to ultra violet light and heat and can fail catastrophically even though they have plenty of tread depth and no visible sidewall crackiing.? Go to tire date codes in the forum's RV Glossary for an explanation of the date codes.

Again, congratulations on the new (to you) coach and may you have many happy miles of use with it.




Thanks for the tip on the generator and Protect-All.

I have worked for Goodyear for 38 years, the tires were the first thing I checked.
NN said:
Thanks for the tip on the generator and Protect-All.

I have worked for Goodyear for 38 years, the tires were the first thing I checked.


It's good to know that we have a tire experrt aboard.  Feel free to offer any info or help along these lines when tire questions arise.

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