Newmar Management

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Joe Bee

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2006
Is it true that new management @ Newmar is from Fleetwood??? I heard this as the reason for the reduction of their warranty from 3 years to 1.
Joe Bee

Someone else reported that info here recently, but I haven't personally verified it.
Joe Bee said:
Is it true that new management @ Newmar is from Fleetwood??  I heard this as the reason for the reduction of their warranty from 3 years to 1.
Joe Bee

This is very old news that has been somewhat over taken by events.

When the late Virgil Miller, President,  became very ill they brought over Dick Parks from Fleetwood to run things. Now some time later, Dick Parks has been booted up to Chairman and the principal owner of Newmar has put his son in as president. His son has been with the company many years and has been involved in all aspects of the operations.

The decision to go back to one year warranty was a business decision and not sure you could tie this to Fleetwood people. It has been discussed at length on other groups! It had a lot to do with being able to continue to get all the suppliers to warranty their items for three years when they were not giving the same deal to the other manufacturers. When you look at the items that get repaired in an RV its mainly installed supplier items and Newmar had driven a hard bargain with them to cover their items for an additional two years.


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