Nice Try But I Figured It Out...

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2018
Port Richey, FL
For months I wondered why heat was coming out of the floor vents sometimes. Then a few months ago I noticed the previous owner had put a piece of cardboard in the floor vent in the cockpit. Naturally, I removed that. Last week we were cooked with massive heat coming out of that vent, and covered it with a towel. Reading the manual I discovered you can turn that off. Except it's labelled "High" and "Low." (Naturally, I had it on "Low.") So today I found that switch had a center position which is apparently "Off." Nice try Winnebago...


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What was your question to Winnebago, and what was their answer?  When we first got our Winnebago we couldnt figure out why there was hot water at the faucets when we arrived at a destination, until we figured that we had "motoraid".
PJ Stough said:
What was your question to Winnebago, and what was their answer?  When we first got our Winnebago we couldnt figure out why there was hot water at the faucets when we arrived at a destination, until we figured that we had "motoraid".

I didn't ask Winnebago anything. I just read the Owner's Manual slightly more carefully than I had before... I mean, seriously! The switch has TWO labels, and TWO sets of dots (in case you have slippery fingers, I guess). Why in the world would I conclude it has THREE positions??? Yes, that Coach Heater will heat the crap out of the Fresh Water Tank too!!!

Nice try Winnebago...
Yep, it's the same switch.  Look again.  It's two pictures ... before and after ... stitched together.  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)

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