No double space anymore! (after a period)

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rvannie23 said:
Wait... what part of toilet paper is controversial?
You must be new here Annie. Do a forum search on toilet paper and spend a few days reading all about it. Single ply vs double ply, RV paper vs conventional paper, flush it or put it in the waste paper basket, and much more.
rvannie23 said:
Wait... what part of toilet paper is controversial?

Easy. You have a choice of using it, or not. Your call. Same as using proper grammar.

I have no halo upon my head when using proper grammar. I do my best. Please forgive me if I screw up.
But in today's world of emails and texting, "short type" is becoming a norm.
I'm starting to think we all should all get accustom to it.
Hfx_Cdn said:
    I was taught to double space, and do so except when it is at the end of a line.  With wrap around text, the second space causes the first word on the next line to start one space too far in.  So, that may be why they now say one space only after the period.
    GWCOWGILL, are you referring to a double line space at the end of a paragraph?  Otherwise, I join the ranks of the confused as well.

Indeed a double line space at the end of a paragraph when typing and an indented beginning of a paragraph when writing cursive, I learned in grade school by one of the meanest teachers in the business who always carried a ruler to hit you across the back of the hand when you didn't follow her rules. :(
... one of the meanest teachers in the business who always carried a ruler to hit you across the back of the hand when you didn't follow her rules.

That brings back memories! I also recall the day a super-sized rugby player, who was our math teacher in grammar school, punched me in the stomach. I didn't misbehave in his class again  :(
Tom said:
That brings back memories! I also recall the day a super-sized rugby player, who was our math teacher in grammar school, punched me in the stomach. I didn't misbehave in his class again  :(
That same teacher hit me with that ruler across the back of the neck and I cold cocked her to get expelled for a day. (My father got involved)
I was whacked between the knuckles with a metal edged ruler for writing with my left hand. Still got the scar to prove it.
My dad went up to the school to have a little chat with my first grade teacher, who was an old coot.
He never did tell me what was said, but she let me write with my left hand from then on......
SeilerBird said:
You must be new here Annie. Do a forum search on toilet paper and spend a few days reading all about it. Single ply vs double ply, RV paper vs conventional paper, flush it or put it in the waste paper basket, and much more.

Haha oh okay good. I was hoping the controversy wasn't to use it or not.
Talk about being disciplined in school...I had a forth grade teacher who had, at least, four inch nails that curled upward.  Whenever I, or someone else in class, did something wrong (grammar or otherwise) she would come up from behind and squeeze our shoulders with her tongs...I mean nails.  It never really hurt, but it sure did gross me out.  I soon became the most well behaved kid in our class!
    It is obvious that none of the posters went to a Catholic school run by nuns.  Their weapon of choice was a yard long hardwood pointer, and their aim was impeccable.  We quickly learned to behave, or we had red welts on our back or neck.
    GW, that is what I thought you were referencing, the OP was/is talking about ending a sentence with a period, followed by two spaces, versus only one space, but either being mid paragraph, and that is why we were confused, since you don't see the spaces after the period at the end of a paragraph.

No run-ins with a nun. Our gymnastics teacher had two weapons:
  • The top plank of a hurdle applied with some force across the butt.
  • A (heavy) medicine ball hurled at you when you were part way through climbing a rope.
jackiemac said:
Ooh good question and I think I still do it on a keyboard - will check later - was taught this as a typist. However I don't do it on my tablet or phone. Probably because they automatically put spaces in, even though it's only 1.

Actually, most apps with keyboard input will put a period at the end of a sentence if you doublespace.  The one that didn't for me (and I don't remember what it is), just drove me crazy.  Probably why I don't remember it...don't use it anymore!
The thing about writing rules is that you only need to know them so you can break them effectively.

All the authors that even the teachers put forward as "The Greats" broke the rules.

I use (abuse?) punctuation and style to try to convey how I talk in my writing. Even to the point of intentional misspellings.  ::)
I will double space until the day I die.  And, when reading comments written by others, I add that extra space mentally if it is missing.  And I also mentally transpose everything to cursive.
Hah...funny thing with this post.  Since I posted my reply above, I got a new boss.  He is from Nigeria.  He has a fairly strong Nigerian accent, but has a pretty decent comprehension of the English language and writing.  He still depends heavily on aids though to help him.  Anyway, one of the first things he started on with me is double spacing.  He would go through everything I gave him and remove the double spacing.  He "counseled" me on it.  I told him the double space is as ingrained in me as walking is.  I could no more stop myself from double spacing than I could start flying instead of walking.  He has since finally given up.  I cannot and will not stop double spacing. I can't.
Incurable double spacer ... learned on a manual typewriter then upgraded to the IBM Selectric with a ball and the return key while in high school.  What about that carriage return? Gone ... I had to cure myself from raising my hand up to return the carriage!  At the time, I was one of a couple guys in typing class.  I also took a newly offered class called ?business machines? and learned something called FORTRAN. I had no idea of the future value of those two classes at the time.  Regardless, my thumb is programmed to hit the space bar twice.  The cure will have to be a routine built into the spellchecker that takes out unnecessary spaces.
I shurly hope this person    never  shows up to      the chat scessions on wenday nights.. They will    nead  to emerjency teem sitting close by.
Another double-spacer here, though I sometimes forget.  Then when I proof read what I wrote, any missing double-space sticks out like a sore thumb (in my mind, anyway).

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