No power in the coach

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Jan 13, 2005
We're plugged into a 30A hookup via a 50/30A adapter. Last night Chris turned on the electric kettle before I had a chance to turn off the electric heater. Too late, no power. Out with the flashlight and check the breaker at the pole, no luck. Turn on the inverter, nothing. Too darned late for me to figure it out and I went to bed. Laying there in the dark I was running through the scenarios and, when I got up this morning, sure enough one of the inverter breakers had tripped.
When I lose the outlets on one side of the RV, I know it's the inverter breaker that tripped.  A quick look at the Link 1000 tells me if I have shore power or not.

I had a similar problem with a mircowave and hair dryer....although it took me a full day to find out where the breakers were... :eek: Glad you found you problem.
Ned, it was just too late for me to logically figure it out  :)
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