Non ethanol?

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  Actually John these Harleys are 2008 fuel injected and computerized but to what extent I haven't determined. I know they don't have oxy sensors so it may be minimal. One of them is an 08 Ultra which cannot be comfortably driven at 50mph in 6th gear without the compensator sprocket making a ruckus. Today I had it down to 45 and it was smooth, just too high a gear to be in for long. The other 08 is a street bob and the fuel was mixed half and half with real gasoline. That also made it smooth out and since it is lighter the "feel in the pants" seems more than the other. At WAWA it was $2.39 where premium was $2.26 which is what I am supposed to run in these.
John From Detroit said:
My belief, shared by many who have the creds to make the statement, is that by the time you factor in the reduction in MPG, the cost of the fuel to prepare the soil, plant, cultivate, harvest, transport, and process the grain into Alcohol to add to the Gasoline... The "Savings" are negative.

One of the biggest misconceptions about making ethanol from corn is that what is left of the corn is disposed of as waste, and that is not true.  When ethanol is made from corn, all that is used of the corn is the starch, leaving the protein and the fat.  This product is then dried and is called DDGs, or dried distillers grains which are then fed to livestock, just as is the vast percentage of corn.  Only a very small percentage of corn is made directly into food.  So all the costs in producing and harvesting corn, are not all assigned to the making of ethanol.
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