Norcold at 9000 feet

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2006
Ada, Oklahoma
Any advice or information on what to expect from my Norcold fridge at 9000 feet elevation for a week of 4 wheeling fun?  I know the propane flame will not burn as well or as hot at altitude so will my fridge cool effectivly?  Do I need to prepare for anything special?  Our base camp is at 9200 feet and we will ride up from there. 

Any help would be great.  Just want to know if I need to take some Ice coolers to be on the safe side.

Norcold in its manuals for fridges has no cautions regarding altitude.  The coolant is sealed, the cycle operates by a simple flame.    My unit has operated at altitudes up to 7000 feet over the years. I do not see why an additional 2000 feet should make a great difference.

If you are really antsy, give Norcold a call.
Hi Jeff,

I haven't had our Norcold at that altitude but did have a Dometic at 9000'. Worked fine. I don't expect you will have any problems.
Gasser said:
Any advice or information on what to expect from my Norcold fridge at 9000 feet elevation for a week of 4 wheeling fun?? I know the propane flame will not burn as well or as hot at altitude so will my fridge cool effectivly?? Do I need to prepare for anything special?? Our base camp is at 9200 feet and we will ride up from there.?

Any help would be great.? Just want to know if I need to take some Ice coolers to be on the safe side.


We routinely camp above that level in Leadville, CO and no trouble that I was ever aware of with refrigerator. The real problems was getting engine started on a cold morning.
Blueblood-- Yours or the  RV ?  LOL  When it's cold I don't want to start either.
Thanks for all the information.  I did not expect to have any but just wanted to be sure there wasent anything I was overlooking.  It should not be that cold up there as I expect night time temps to be in the low 40s while I am there.  We are in a little camp ground by lake city.  Lots of horse trails and ATVs running around looking at the great views.

First up is my little trip to Branson and then its off to CO.

Thanks again.


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