Norcold recall good news

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Nov 8, 2011
Central Wisconsin
I have an old Mallard trailer that we just use for music fest camping with a 875eg2 frig from 1987 in it. Gas valve recall was being taken care of and was notified by Carmen at Norcold that the gas valves are out of stock with no eta on them. Said they are going to send new N512 frig no charge to dealer to install. My cost is for the installation. 1 hour at the most. Big up to Norcold for going out of their way to make things right. Seems that not enough good things get mentioned when companies step up.
You have a 25 year old rig-and refer is that old- and Noncold is going to give you a new one? Wonder whats going on here?
I thought the same thing. When chatting with the dealer doing the recall install, he figures the gas valve and parts, dealer labor to install vs. manufacturing cost of a 5 cubic foot frig with no frills and no dealer labor close enough to scratch off the list and maybe move some older inventory out the door.

Too late.  :) Actually I am quite happy to be rid of the NoCold. Our Samsung domestic refer has been working very well. Soon we will be testing the boondocking capabilities.

Like Ernie, I wonder what NoCold is up to. They wouldn't honor the warranty because it was a couple of days over. That after having to replace three cooling units and buying a new refer. I sure was a slow learner on that one!
??? What's so wrong with NorCold? (Not to hijack)

@ Weldon

I'm glad your being covered by a recall and getting a new fridge out of the deal that is way cool! (Or in your case way cold!)  8)
I figured this subject might stir the pot a little. I have a residential in our big camper and love the room because we are in it full time for 1/2 the year. The main reason I posted was, after 30 years in retail, it is good to see a manufacturer, regardless who they are, put the outcome ahead of the pocketbook. So I say, what's the thing about the gift horse? 
Mopar1973Man said:
??? What's so wrong with NorCold?

I was also wondering the same thing.  I have always been told thumbs down on Norcold, thumbs up on Dometic.  But never really heard why.  I've owned both.  No problem with the Dometic at all.  Now just starting to have some issues with my 18 year old Norcold.  I didn't think that's a bad track record.  Is there some history I am unaware of?
WELDON said:
I have an old Mallard trailer that we just use for music fest camping with a 875eg2 frig from 1987 in it. Gas valve recall was being taken care of and was notified by Carmen at Norcold that the gas valves are out of stock with no eta on them. Said they are going to send new N512 frig no charge to dealer to install. My cost is for the installation. 1 hour at the most. Big up to Norcold for going out of their way to make things right. Seems that not enough good things get mentioned when companies step up.

This post seems suspect at best.The actual  so called Norcold Dabatacle was due to weak cooling coils in some 1200
series fridges from 2001 -2009 roughly and NORCOLD never ever warrented any of these units if they did not fail under a warrenty period of one year and now suddenly after 25 years because they cant supply a gas valve they simply ship the guy a fridge for free??????????????????????????????
ticat900 said:
This post seems suspect at best.The actual  so called Norcold Dabatacle was due to weak cooling coils in some 1200
series fridges from 2001 -2009 roughly and NORCOLD never ever warrented any of these units if they did not fail under a warrenty period of one year and now suddenly after 25 years because they cant supply a gas valve they simply ship the guy a fridge for free? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??
I could send you a copy of the email from NORCOLD if you think this is a scam. It has nothing to do with cooling unit. Recall was wide spread amoung smaller frigs with fire hazard for malfunctioning gas valves. The numbers are on their website. That is why I put the model number and age in the post. The facts are there. The model in question were numbers up to 24000 plus. This was #5271.

Staff edit: Fix quote
WELDON said:
I could send you a copy of the email from NORCOLD if you think this is a scam. It has nothing to do with cooling unit. Recall was wide spread amoung smaller frigs with fire hazard for malfunctioning gas valves. The numbers are on their website. That is why I put the model number and age in the post. The facts are there. The model in question were numbers up to 24000 plus. This was #5271.

Staff edit: Fix quote
never said it was a scam??? I said it was hard to beleive that NORCOLD whom will not fix or replace a 1200 series fridge after first year come hell or high water and now they give free fridge under warrenty for  UNIT THAT IS 25 years old??Extremely hard to beleive
I think it applies to both Norcold and Dometic that they tried expanding the size of their RV refrigerators to meet everyone's desire for more room that they put such a load on the heat exchangers that failures became common.

The Brewers had three cooling units for their Dometic and we had two and feel just as disappointed as Jim Dick and others do with their Norcolds.

Incidentally we have owned four earlier motorhomes and never had an issue with the smaller refrigerators that were installed and none of those had leveling systems so I remember a lot of times they were parked out of level.
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