north shore lake superior

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New member
May 2, 2005
I want to travel in 40 ft MH around the north side of lake superior.  Has anyone made this trip?  Campgrounds?  Is the road wide enough?  Will appreciate any info.
tth3 said:
I want to travel in 40 ft MH around the north side of lake superior. Has anyone made this trip? Campgrounds? Is the road wide enough? Will appreciate any info.

We did that route a few years ago with a 38' 5th wheel.  Roads were fine.  We mostly stayed in provincial parks, although I think there were plenty of commercial parks available.  We started at Thunder Bay and ended up in the 10,000 (?) Islands area.  [I get confused between the Thousand Islands in NY, the 10,000 or 100,000 Islands in the Everglades, and the X Thousand slands of Lake Superior.]  It's a beautiful trip if you like to see lots of trees and water (we do).

I've only been up to the Canadian border. The city CG at Grand Marais is a great location.

grand marais rec area rv park
pobox 820
grand marais, MN 55604
superb, on edge of harbor. Busy even in Sept.
tth3 said:
I want to travel in 40 ft MH around the north side of lake superior.? Has anyone made this trip?? Campgrounds?? Is the road wide enough?? Will appreciate any info.
Make sure to stop by Betty's pie this side of heaven!

Howard Leap

We have made the trip twice.  A great trip.  The fort at Thunder Bay can take a full day if your into historical stuff.  We have always gone from east to west.  As always the Canadian Prov. Park system is excellent.  The shore roads are very good.  Size should not be a problem although our personal experience has always been with small stuff.
A friend of mine maintains a permanenly set up travel trailer at Sunset Inn and Campground which is located right on 27, the highway that follows the north shore around,  about 60 miles north of Sault Ste. Marie. Very nice and reasonable campground. Most sites have water and elec. but no sewer connections at the site. They do have an on-site dump though.


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