Now I understand gaslighting,I think? hahah

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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2017
Gaslighting can occur in unique ways in some of the most damaging, unhealthy relationships, where the other party manipulates conversations to minimize your feelings. But there are hallmark expressions and tactics that most can learn to associate with this toxic practice once they've learned to do so — “You’re blowing things way out of proportion.” “You’re misunderstanding what I’m saying.” “You’re just crazy.” If you're catching yourself recognizing these phrases while confronting your partner, sibling or your boss, all while constantly second-guessing yourself or apologizing for things you can't recall, you've fallen victim to gaslighting.

Gaslighting takes place when someone “tries to get another person or a group of people to question or doubt their own beliefs or their own reality,” explains Danielle Hairston, M.D., assistant professor of psychiatry and psychiatry residency training director at Howard University. “It’s a manipulation tactic.”

She adds that gaslighters accuse their victims of exaggerating or misunderstanding a situation and sometimes deny that an event ever happened. This leaves victims of gaslighting questioning a past or present situation, as well as the intentions of others’ statements or actions and whether they’re reacting appropriately.

What is gaslighting, exactly?​

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse, where someone is manipulated into “doubting his or her perceptions, experiences, or understanding of events,” according to the American Psychological Association (APA). It previously referred to extreme manipulation that could lead to someone developing a mental illness or needing to be committed to a psychiatric institution, but the APA says it’s used more generally now.

The term originated from a 1938 play by Patrick Hamilton and the 1944 film adaptation Gaslight. In the movie, a wife starts to doubt her sanity after her manipulative husband starts slowly dimming the gas lamps in their home and making other changes to their environment. When she brings it up, he tells her she’s forgetful, imagining things and behaving oddly, and isolates her from others.

Gaslighters strive to make someone lose trust and confidence in themselves or feel confused about reality, Dr. Hairston says, “It’s trying to distract you or deflect guilt or accountability and responsibility. Sometimes, it’s even harsher, like someone is trying to belittle you or damage or chip away at your self-esteem.”
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and many seem to always differ from others - on both sides.

I've actually been accused of this by someone who i believe was actually doing it and was absolutely taking things totally out of context. So the fact I'm saying that, according to what I'm reading that makes me guilty of it?

Not sure how that works.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and many seem to always differ from others - on both sides.

I've actually been accused of this by someone who i believe was actually doing it and was absolutely taking things totally out of context. So the fact I'm saying that, according to what I'm reading that makes me guilty of it?

Not sure how that works.
Not sure I can believe a word ya say now. I am disillusioned. :sneaky:
When I grew up in the UK, gas lighting referred to the lighting of homes and streets with gas. For many years, gas was a byproduct of coke ovens at the local steel plant (fed all the gas requirements of South Wales).
Gaslighting is a true sign that there is no changing of an individual's minds. We see an increasing amount of this by many that claim to be moderates.
If you follow some of these folks on some forums, this becomes apparent. Rarely will these folks talk about an alternative position on a particular subject.
Strong and locked in opinions do have a way of closing off any interest for a substantive discussion and any exchanges of ideas of others.
It's always fun to be gaslit when discussing facts or actual events!

You know, while we're cryptically posting things and being passive-aggressive....
I saw the play recently and it was somewhere between hard-to-watch and disturbing. Occasionally looked around at the audience and saw plenty of frowny faces. It's like they were remembering something painful. Pretty creepy if you've ever been on the receiving end of this stuff.

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