Now that the voting is done

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
Now that the smoke has settled and the voting is over, I have a few observations.

First, I really applaud my Democrat friends this week.? They have waited for this kind of election result for a VERY long time.? They are once again a part of a majority, and I know this must make them very happy and feel very satisfied.? I have my concerns about the outcome, but I also honor my friends? happiness.? Why?? Because this is what this country is all about.? The right to tell our politicians what we want, and to elect those who, in the long run, will obey our wishes.? That is truly Democracy, and few nations enjoy TRUE Democracy.

Democracy even includes the right for Americans to be wrong.? Something we need to guard jealously.? I hope when winds change, My Democrat friends are not only happy and satisfied, but as respectful as I am at the freedom we have as Americans.? I hope they also remember (as I am trying to do right now) that even when electoral outcomes are NOT what we wish, they are still a reflection of the greatest country on earth in terms of individual freedoms.? I wish all Americans would stop trashing our countriy and our presidents, and at least respect and cherish the kind of nation we have even when the majority elects a leader we do not personally support.

That said, let me express my concerns.

My concerns are that we had an unusually brave and persevering President.? To me it was a refreshing change from the kind of Clintonese presidency where every day policy would vacillate, compared to what the latest poll showed, and there was no courage or attempt to lead Americans into difficult, but elevated paths that required perseverance and long term effort in order to succeed.

Saddam made this crystal clear eight years ago when he explained that Americans would never have the stomach for a long and difficult war against terrorism.? In the end, Saddam was proved right.? Americans don?t have that perseverance, and they will, apparently, rid themselves of any leaders who try to take them in that direction.

I am astounded, that since 9/11, there has not been a single serious threat from terrorists on our own shores, that we did not eliminate before it occurred.? This is a miracle.? Even as hard as Bush toiled against such a thing happening, I expected at least a couple more 9/11s.? The media reports on flaws in our security emphasis how difficult this battle is on our own shores.? Yet? it has not happened.

My guess is that the terrorists have been so busy trying to accomplish objectives on other shores, that they have not been able to focus on our own.

But as recent as yesterday, terrorist leaders were expounding on how the destruction of the white house is their ultimate goal.? This is very frightening.? How will we fare when they suddenly have discovered that the primary engine that was distracting them has now been muted by the latest election?

My prediction is that they will not come to us with open arms and welcome the new leadership.? Instead they will find new kinks in our armor and give us more to worry about than we ever dreamed.? We had a difficult battle, and one that surely did not have a certain victory at the end of it (if it were easy Americans would have loved to follow along).? But we were indeed hanging on for dear life, and for the short term we were treading water.? Now, in the backstroke of this latest election, we may well get washed over the falls faster than we ever dreamed.? But as I said above, with democracy, which is what this is all about in the end, come also the possibility of destroying ourselves.

I will support the new leaders.? There is no alternative.? I will pray for their enlightenment, and hope they indeed have a new and successful way to offer us.? They have two years of my support ahead of them.? In two years time, I will asses their progress, and then cast my vote accordingly.? I am certain my Democrat and Republican?friends will do the same.? And everyone else here. ?Republican people especially have to be supportive, as we Americans have spoken our will.? Please, please, wait for elections to express your will and in the meantime give the new leaders a chance.

I pray most of all that no one simply cling to their ism or their Democratism as a goal in itself.? The party system is a waste.? We must support the BEST leaders and policies regardless what party they are associated with.? Only if we as individuals insist on the best leaders regardless of their party, will the party system stop being an inmpedement to our effectiveness as a nation.

Smoky an Independent voter.
May the truly best person keep on winnning
Smoky: So well said, that I can only echo. I, too, consider myself an independant voter. I have voted for both parties, and years ago, more Democrats than others. Sadly, in recent years, my choices have been limited, due to "party loyalty" espoused by every candidate. The last three or four elections are the only ones that I have not cast at least one vote, for at least one of each party's candidates. I hate having a ballot look like a straight ticket! It's not! Every vote was carefully thought out.

Our goals in "The War On Terror" were noble. Of course, mistakes have been made. As a Veteran, I expect that. Been there - seen idiocy reign, supreme! There has only been "One Perfect Person" in history. The rest of us are fallible. I see "retreat" as the greatest error, and hope I am wrong.

For emphasis, every Veteran here is familiar with the acronym, "SNAFU!" Situation Normal - All Fouled Up! It really is normal, and when it isn't, that is the welcome surprise. Military events never go the way they are supposed to. Frequently, it works out, anyway. That is what a soldier counts on - that and his/her buddies.

God speed to the Democrats, all of them/you, and for all of our sake, I hope you are perfectly right. Proof is in the pudding, and the pudding is on the way. It will be here, shortly!

Ray D

Happy Veteran's Day to all of my comrads, men and women. I know what you did, and that is what matters. Thank You.
I agree with what has been said previously.  my major concern is that the so called Bad Boys are all praising the change as though they expect to get a new lease on their agendas.  Most of these are not good for us.  So we will have to see how it goes and I hope it goes well.

Based on the last 2 years here in MT, I am worried though.  :-((
There was an editorial piece in our local paper today that was written by a writer for, of all newspapers, the New York Times. The writer basically says that he believes the vote was carried by people who are committed to taking this country back to the middle of the political spectrum. Democrats who are anti-abortion but pro self defense and other base programs such as minimum wage, reasonable health care, etc.
I agree with this writer and believe that the majority of citizens that voted this time are rejecting BOTH the far right and the far left.
It's time our legislators stopped putting themselves and their party first and started doing what they were elected to do, govern this country. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool lifelong Democrat but I scratched my vote this time and voted for people represent my views.

Smoky said:
I am astounded, that since 9/11, there has not been a single serious threat from terrorists on our own shores, that we did not eliminate before it occurred.  This is a miracle.  Even as hard as Bush toiled against such a thing happening, I expected at least a couple more 9/11s.  The media reports on flaws in our security emphasis how difficult this battle is on our own shores.  Yet? it has not happened.

My guess is that the terrorists have been so busy trying to accomplish objectives on other shores, that they have not been able to focus on our own.

But as recent as yesterday, terrorist leaders were expounding on how the destruction of the white house is their ultimate goal.  This is very frightening.  How will we fare when they suddenly have discovered that the primary engine that was distracting them has now been muted by the latest election?

One thing Bush said that I happen to think is right (Note, I'm addressing ONLY this one point) is that his little war in Iraq is a magnet for Terrorists.  He actually stated he'd rather fight in that sandpile than in this sandpile,  And I agree with him  I would much rather they engage over there than over here.

However, I could go on at length on the other side of the issue as well.

As happy as I am to see some of the people I supported, get into office, and some of the issues I supported to pass.  I am worried about folks who might take this vote as a mandate to do their will, instead of the peoples.  I've seen that happen before (Right here in Michigan) and I would just as soon not see it again.

I also disagree as to why this vote went the way it did, but my disagreement is not strong enough to get into it.

Clinton may have changed positions more often than a weather vane.. But he did bring home a Peace Prize.  I don't see Bush doing that.  Though I do see him being given a somewhat different award in the international court.
I am happy to see all except the reply that immediately precedes me.  Everyone but that exception shows a willingness to not get caught up in parties and negativism.
Smoky, I make it a point to never discuss religion or politics, so all I can say is:

Thank the Lord for folks with your philosophy.

Enough said?? ?lou
Why I didn't Comment. This was discussed earlier and why decided to end the thread cause we  ere still friends and rules don't permit political discussions to get out of hand.
Shane, I said I agree with Bush on one point, and disagree on at least one point, that's about as close to neutral as it gets.

By the way.. I don't agree with everything Clinton did either, though he did win the peace prize and that is good

In fact, I don't agree 100% with ___________________________ (you fill in the blank)  however it is almost guarenteed I'll agree with that same person on something.

I did not intend the post to be negetave or positive... Mearly factual and as close to neutral as I can get.

In any case.  Not worth arguing about (This is explanation, not argument)     

The situtation that exists now has many possible outcomes,  Too many to waste argument on, Time will tell if it's good, bad or indifferent and the best thing we can do is .. Wait.
A couple observations:

Who do you vote for?
Every add we seen this election said that their opponent was nothing but bad. Why would anyone vote for any of these bad guys?

The final straw:

After the election, Nightline had a piece hosted by John Donvan who had travelled all the way to Montana to report on an election official who admitted that he had made a mistake when tabulating the votes. They made a big deal that this gentleman had actually admitted he made a mistake. They almost made a national hero out of the guy.
Are things so bad in the political world that a guy who is honest enough to admit making a mistake draws national attention on Nightline.

I've seen it all !!!
When A guy here in AZ spends millions of dollars of his own money to get elected  YES  there is something wrong with our system that needs to be corrected quickly.  He sure ain't giving his money away unless he can reap big rewards.  2 guys opposing one another here did just that.  for a $165,000 job  BS all the way.  YES we agree John but I won't go further.
Well Shyne, the job may be 165,000 but wait there is more.  Just how much more I can not tell you since I truly do not have ALL the benefits of the job (or for that matter know just which job, Senator, Representive or Governor, you are talking about)

Here in Michigan the guy who spent all the millions of his own money, the best financed campaign in the history of the state.  LOST!

I guess it's true what the Beatles said lo those many years ago, Money sure could not buy him love!

I could give you some reasons he lost, but that is not important.

As for the person who won... I went to the victory party

Also one here spent over 8M supposed ly of his own and lost,  You would have gone to his also. And yep  there's something wrong in the house and senate when that occurs.
Are you saying there is something wrong when the man who does the best job of flooding the media with money, the best job of throwing parties, the best job of spending cash, looses...

Or are you saying there is somethign wrong when someone will spend Millions to get a job that over 4 years won't (offically) get him so much as one million back?

(From your post it is not clear)

If the 2nd case, I'm inclined to agree.  If the first,,, Depends on other factors that have nothing to do with the size of the "War Chest" and, in my humble opinion, a lot to do with the fact it is called a "War chest" by many.  But that too is another rant.
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