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Bob Buchanan

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
>> Just because someone begins a thread, does not, IMO, mean they ?own? the thread.? The community owns these threads and can take them where they wish to go.? Fine for someone to remind us not to neglect the original poster, and I respect Gary for reminding us.? Truth is we can do both!? Take the thread to new areas and yet also address the original poster?s needs.

Smoky, I disagree. Of course, in doing so and adding comment, I further add to the  thread drift. I am not a forum official so I cannot start a new thread from this one -- but perhaps those that can, should. If someone asks a question here or comments on a subject -- we should respect that and not take the thread somewhere else. That's thread drift and disapproved of on most monitored forums.

Aside from the fact that it is just plan rude, it is also costly to the person downloading to varying degrees. I have had high speed satellite Internet for some time now, but if using a cell phone with limited minutes or using an off line reader as I used to have to do while using costly minutes only to find that someone has taken a subject that I found interest in to something else that I have no interest in whatsoever.
Bob Buchanan said:
.... in doing so and adding comment, I further add to the thread drift.

Shame on you Bob  ;D

Aside from the fact that it is just plan rude, it is also costly to the person downloading to varying degrees.

Maybe, but only if it's completely off topic. The first message in the topic asked:

....where, outside of campgrounds have you been able to pull over and spend the night?  Rest areas?  I need to be able to drive to a city.  Host a meeting (maybe even on the RV) and stay the night.  I'd prefer not to have to find a campground.

Discussions of rest areas, WalMarts, etc are certainly on topic, as are the pros and cons of various options.

BTW you might have noticed that I split and moved the topic at the point where it's no longer on topic.

>> Shame on you Bob? ;D
Agreed  ;).  Wasn't sure if I was creating a dichotomy, a dilemma, or a catch-22 . . .

>> Maybe, but only if it's completely off topic. The first message in the topic asked:

Discussions of rest areas, WalMarts, etc are certainly on topic, as are the pros and cons of various options.
Again -- I agree. My comments were in response to Smoky's general comment about thread drift, and didn't refer to that thread specifically. However, if I ask a question about how to unclog my sewer and two messages later, someone is chatting about bass fishing in Kentucky lakes -- that is not good.

>> BTW you might have noticed that I split and moved the topic at the point where it's no longer on topic.
Yes :).
Bob Buchanan said:
Wasn't sure if I was creating a dichotomy, a dilemma, or a catch-22 . . .

I think (hope) you realized it was just friendly ribbing on my part.

However, if I ask a question about how to unclog my sewer and two messages later, someone is chatting about bass fishing in Kentucky lakes -- that is not good.

You're right on Bob. Thanks for being the catalyst to split the topic. Sometimes it takes a 2x4 for me to realize it's time to split/move.
The operative part of the originator's question was where to find alternative camping.  Lengthy debates on what is or is not suitable at a Walmart or any other alternative is not, in my opinion, on topic.  Running a thread progressively further off-topic is very rude in my opinion and I believe will  drive newcomers away.  And we do it rather frequently.

RV Roamer said:
The operative part of the originator's question was where to find alternative camping.

Some folks camp here responses without what the responder considers to be prudent cautions and letting the person find out for themselves are somewhat less than polite. Different folks have a different perspective on those concerns and it's appropriate for them to say so, providing a balanced perspective for the individual to decide if they'll camp there.

If a staffer thinks it's straying too far from the subject, they can always use the tools at their disposal to split/rename a topic, as was done twice in this case albeit a little late in the discussion.

Reminds me, I was going to go back into the original topic and split off a few more messages, but got distracted with our return home and all the "stuff" we have to do. [edit]Topic cleanup done.[/edit]

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