Oh Boy Oh Boy I Did a Very Bad Thing

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2018
East Texas
Well now I am totally disgusted with myself.  Sorry Everyone!  :'(    I did a very bad thing and I am so embarrassed about it. I dont know how I am going to live with this.

I allowed my fishing pole to gather dust :(  I just looked over and saw it was covered with dust and I felt horrible.  LOL 

I have not been fishing as much as I wanted too this season but that is going to change.

Ain't it the truth.  And all I have to do is walk out my back door, grab the pole, and walk to my lake.  Oh the horror!
WILDEBILL308 said:
What is this fishing stuff? I have heard of it, did it long a go but don't remember. :'( :'(

I have some vague memories of this fishing thing ???....

It seems like somebody gets tied up....Oh wait that might be something else I'm thinking of...
djw2112 said:
Well now I am totally disgusted with myself.  Sorry Everyone!  :'(    I did a very bad thing and I am so embarrassed about it. I dont know how I am going to live with this.

I allowed my fishing pole to gather dust :(  I just looked over and saw it was covered with dust and I felt horrible.  LOL 

I have not been fishing as much as I wanted too this season but that is going to change.

You think that's bad, I once knew a guy that let dust build up on a motorcycle......and it wasn't even winter time!  Shame of all shames.
Gizmo100 said:
I have some vague memories of this fishing thing ???....

It seems like somebody gets tied up....Oh wait that might be something else I'm thinking of...

We love fishing but we are not very good at it. It drives me crazy when the line gets tangled.......
jackiemac said:
We love fishing but we are not very good at it. It drives me crazy when the line gets tangled.......

If your line gets tangled you are snorting it wrong LMAO hee hee  But what is worse is getting it tangled and you have not even left the RV yet :)

xrated said:
You think that's bad, I once knew a guy that let dust build up on a motorcycle......and it wasn't even winter time!  Shame of all shames.

OH the horror of it all  :'(

djw2112 said:
If your line gets tangled you are snorting it wrong LMAO hee hee  But what is worse is getting it tangled and you have not even left the RV yet :)
Usually after the first cast  ::)
I dont fish much anyway in the winter, I dont really see the enjoyment all bundled up and freezing, so I put most of the gear away and only leave out some basics.  But even though I put the stuff away organized, every time I go to get it out, its all mixed up and bound together with fishing line.  So I started cutting my line and tying it off to keep that from happening.

You know they do make lures that dont get hung up, they are certainly not perfect but they do reduce replacement costs quite a bit.

Oh I see there is a fishing topic section, if this needs to be moved there, go ahead :)

djw2112 said:
I dont fish much anyway in the winter, I dont really see the enjoyment all bundled up and freezing, so I put most of the gear away and only leave out some basics.  But even though I put the stuff away organized, every time I go to get it out, its all mixed up and bound together with fishing line.  So I started cutting my line and tying it off to keep that from happening.

You know they do make lures that dont get hung up, they are certainly not perfect but they do reduce replacement costs quite a bit.

Oh I see there is a fishing topic section, if this needs to be moved there, go ahead :)

I am not a fan of ice fishing. I tried it once and it took 2 hours to cut a hole big enough to get the boat in the lake.
WILDEBILL308 said:
I am not a fan of ice fishing. I tried it once and it took 2 hours to cut a hole big enough to get the boat in the lake.

Sounds like you need a bigger chain saw ;D
I have been carrying both my fly rods in the roof pod since last spring.  Now the Agua Fria river calls to me, but no fish so far.
PancakeBill said:
I have been carrying both my fly rods in the roof pod since last spring.  Now the Agua Fria river calls to me, but no fish so far.

Reminds me of the movie pale rider when the voice said  "Preacherrrrrrrrrrrr"  but this time it says "Fishingggggggggg"  lol
Ahhh...fishing.  Still, and always better than a good day at work.


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