Our goals for traveling

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2006
The wife and I like to set a plan for each of our trips based on seeing sites we have never seen and to meet others that we have met from the internet in the process.  So far it has worked out good including traveling across the US with a couple we met on the net and they joined us on the road and we traveled across the east seeing sites like Gettysburg, Hershey, and Cabellas, all in Pennsyvania.  From there down to Virginia to see Arlington and sites around Washington DC.  And many other sites enroute to and from those areas.  We also went to Indiana a few years ago and met half a dozen others we had met on the net from around the country.  Last year we traveled to Branson, Missouri to meet another couple from the net and had a great time with them showing us around that area.  From there we went to Mardi Gras in Lousiana and again met with a couple from the net who were are tour guides for the festivals and sites around Louisiana like the Tobasco Factory and Vermilionville whcih is a city of homes from the early days of Lousiana all gathered in one place for all to see.
Some of our future travel plans are to go to Canada and meet a lot of people we have met from the net and we plan to travel across the length of Canada from British Columbia to Nova Scotia.
Another to meet some other from around the country in Branson for Veterans Day.

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