Outdoor entertainment center and High def input?

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2006
Ada, Oklahoma
I am building an outdoor entertainment center for my RV.  It has an outside compartment where the factory would offer a 27 inch LCD TV and stereo but mine just had an empty peg board.

I measured and decided on a 40 inch LCD wide screen and no outside stereo.  Its a tight fit but will work fine.  I will use this while tailgating at our local football games as I like to sit outside and watch other games, pre-game show etc....  Should be a spectacular picture and I will take many pictures of the install to show it off.  That said...

My question is, I am also finally getting around to hooking up and ordering my Satalite service with the works, however, I never see anybody talk about getting High defination service in an RV.  I looked up the manufactuer of my dish and there is no mention of HD reception at all.

Does anybody get HD reception in their RV and if so what brand of dish did you get?

Gasser said:
My question is, I am also finally getting around to hooking up and ordering my Satalite service with the works, however, I never see anybody talk about getting High defination service in an RV.? I looked up the manufactuer of my dish and there is no mention of HD reception at all.
Does anybody get HD reception in their RV and if so what brand of dish did you get?


Terry thinks Jerry  F. has HD  with his motosat.  He thinks Trac Star also has one.

Motosat does have a model for HD from DirecTV and, I think, Dish Network.  Go to www.motosat.com for details on all their products.

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