Overnight at Walmart

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New member
Aug 27, 2005
Somewhere in the USA
Hi everyone,  great forum and love the stories.
Unfortunately we've been back in the UK for the last two years and need to catch up.
Yeaaaaaah Dave and Una are back to continue our tour of the USA.

Just a quick question
What is the situation with overnighting at Walmarts. I heard somewhere that Walmart had been forced
to prohibit overnight stops.
This would be a big shame as we have spent many a night in WM parking and spent many a buck the next day in stores
We are in  Florida at the mo and all the stores I've contacted say NO to overnight.
Is this the same across the country.

kind regards  Dave and Una

Dave & Una:

Walmart Corporation allows overnight parking but individual store managers have the discretion to deny RVs for local reasons. Also many communities have local ordinances prohibiting overnight parking in commercial lots. This is especially true in vacation areas such as Florida.
The rumor is a dirty lie. I stay at Walmarts frequently. I spent the weekend at one in Tucson so I could watch the football games. I was staying out at Catalina State Park but there was no TV reception there forcing us to come into town. We were going to spend the week at Gilbert Ray campground. I read on the Internet  that it costs $20 for an electric site and $10 for a non-electric site. I got here and they have a sign that says "All RVs pay $20 per night no exceptions" Well I was going to spend a week here at an non-electric sight but I am not paying $20 per night for a non-electric site, that is way too outrageous. So I am spending just one night here and then head back to Walmart for the rest of the week. The entire A loop is closed here and the rest of the place is half full. Why would they raise their prices in the middle of a bad recession? They lost my business forever.

Have you read the Good Neighbor Policy that FMCA, Escapees, Good Sam and several other clubs have adopted regarding overnight parking in public parking lots.  See here for the parking policy.
I don't belong to that group and I don't subscribe to their policies.
seilerbiird, I'm just curious. What is it about those policies that you don't like? Which do you object to?

I don't have any argument - like I said, just curious.

Ray D  ;D
that group


The group to which you refer is actually a coalition of several groups, including but not limited to the Family Motor Coach Association, Escapees, and Good Sam.  Several years ago these RVing groups cooperated in making this statement as a guideline for all us RVers.  It's a statement by which we serious RVers abide in order to counteract the anti-RV sentiments of many communities.  If you belong to ANY RVing organization, then your group probably is a part of this effort.  Our RVing organizations are seriously fighting on our behalf and it behooves us all to follow the Good Neighbor Policy.  Please do follow Lorna's link and read it before rejecting it outright.  We want all RVers to be good neighbors so that communities like Bar Harbor ME and Sisters OR and Santa Monica CA don't prevent us outright from visiting their communities.  It's discouraging to go into a community and see "NO RV PARKING" signs throughout.  This goes far beyond parking overnight at a Wal Mart.

Dave & Una,
Here is a web site you may be interested in - www.overnightrvparking.com  It lists over 5000 places where free overnight parking is allowed, plus some very low priced ones as well.  It costs $17.95/year, but you can earn free extensions by reporting your stays (or even denials of permission). You get a two week credit for every report, including verification/updates of existing reports.
The policy supported by many RV groups is basically asking RVers to be considerate and good neighbors which will help prevent more places deciding that RVers are inconsiderate and are better shut out of their parking area.
I just got a reminder this morning why some businesses, and communities forbid RV parking. I went to one of our local supermarkets this morning to pick up a few things. As I pulled into their lot I noticed a large rig with a tow vehicle sitting on the outer part of the lot. When I came back out the rig was gone and there was a bag of trash sitting right beside where it had been. Now, I realize there wasn't any trash receptacles in the lot but they still could have taken it with them and dumped it somewhere else properly. I brought the bag home and will set it out with our other trash tomorrow for collection.
Thoughtless acts like this contributes to communities and businesses rejecting RV's.

Good for you Woody. I can never understand why folks can't take their trash with them. I was complaining to myself as I drove local highways this afternoon and saw lots of trash that had apparently been tossed out of car windows.
Good for you Woody to clean up after a pig.  IMHO only genuine inconsiderate Pigs exhibit that type of behavior of leaving their trash.
Ray D said:
seilerbiird, I'm just curious. What is it about those policies that you don't like? Which do you object to?

I don't have any argument - like I said, just curious.

Ray D  ;D

I would be glad to explain it to you but you will probably be sorry you asked.

I am a decent human being, I have never been arrested, I try not to break laws, I treat people like I want to be treated (golden rule) and I try my best not to offend other people. I strongly object to a group of self-righteous hypocritical people trying to tell me how to live my life. Especially when they print a bunch of rules that are obviously made up because that group has a financial interest in me following those rules. Clubs such as Good Sam benefit financially from me staying in a campground so they don't want me dry camping. If everyone dry camped all the time Good Sams would go out of business.

The reason the link to the "rules" was posted was because I stated I was going down to a Walmart to spend a few nights and so therefore I was violating rule number one "Thou shalt not dry camp for more than one night!!!" How sinful. I thought this was the "friendliest RV forum". I consider it very rude for a forum member to try and push their morals on me and tell me how to live my life. I fail to see how spending more than one night in a row dry camping hurts the RV community.

"We want all RVers to be good neighbors so that communities like Bar Harbor ME and Sisters OR and Santa Monica CA don't prevent us outright from visiting their communities.  It's discouraging to go into a community and see "NO RV PARKING" signs throughout. "

Oh baloney. No community puts up NO RV PARKING signs because RVers spend more than one night boondocking. Those signs go up because some greedy RV park owner knows a city councilman and convinces them that the RV parks are losing money because they are staying at Walmarts instead.

When I stay in a Walmart parking lot I follow Walmart's rules, not the rules of any RV organization. I don't belong to any of them and I don't agree with their policies. Some Walmart's don't allow overnight parking so I don't stay there. Some only allow one, two or three nights stay. Some allow unlimited stay. Most Walmarts have a security guard and if I overstay my welcome then they will tell me to move on and I will. If a Walmart allows unlimited overnight parking I fail to realize how that has a negative effect on the RV community as a whole.

Do you want to know who gives the RVers a bad name??? The morons who camp in a campground with thier RV and allow there stupid dog to bark endlessly. I have never seen anyone with a tent and a barking dog. The morons that gather in a large group, burn six Coleman lanterns, drink liquor, talk loudly and stay up until midnight or later bothering everyone else in the campground. The morons that run their generators at all hours. The morons who play their radios or tvs loudly at any hour. It isn't the people who dry camp for more than one night at Walmart. Yet I don't see anything about that in their silly rules.

"As I pulled into their lot I noticed a large rig with a tow vehicle sitting on the outer part of the lot. When I came back out the rig was gone and there was a bag of trash sitting right beside where it had been"

You didn't see the people actually leave their trash there so you are assuming they left their trash there, aren't you. I have seen many people in cars come out of Walmart, unpack their purchases and leave the trash in the parking lot. RVers aren't the only people who leave trash in parking lots. RVers don't have a reputation for leaving trash. Campgrounds generally look pretty clean to me. People in RVs and people in automobiles do leave trash in parking lots. If someone in an RV leaves trash that does not impact anyone else who is in an RV. That impacts the human race. It is a human being who is a slob, not all RVers.

Let me make one thing clear, I did not come to southern Arizona to dry camp at Walmart. I came down here to camp at the Gilbert Ray Campground. On their website they list the rates at $!0 per night. I get there and their rates are $20 a night for all RVs. Why did they raise their rates? Pure greed. They want to gouge the RV owners. The county of Pima has owned the land there forever, they don't pay rent. They have a host whom they don't pay. Their only expenses are water, trash and electricity. I don't want to use any electricity. So what would cause them to double their rates? I am not going to support greedy campgrounds and right now I can't afford to. I was going to stay a week. By doubling their price it would have cost me an extra $70. I have had a very rough month. I drove down to Texas to buy this motorhome. Three hours after I bought it a u joint failed and the driveshaft fell out. That cost me almost $2000 to fix it, $975 just for the towing. Then I drove to Nevada and registered it which cost me over $8000. Then I came down to southern Arizona and had to have some repairs made that cost me well over $500 plus the oil change cost me $175. I am very broke right now waiting for my next retirement check to come in. I can't afford to be gouged anymore so I am going to stay in Walmart's parking lot for three more nights guilt free. If they don't want me here I will move on but only if Walmart tells me to, not a bunch of hypocrital RVers.

I think there is a middle ground, and really you are it ... despite your obviously strong feelings on the topic, I completely understand where you're coming from.  ;)  You do want the benefit of occasional free parking lot stays, but you do not intend to abuse the policy by causing a problem or leaving a mess behind.  I think those "policies" linked above are reasonable though, and intended to be more of a guideline and reminder for courteous RVers... not some kind of requirement that is rudely and unnecessarily enforced. 

There probably are some political deals being struck on the "No RV's" signs in some places, but from what I've seen the places that restrict semi's & RV's usually seem to be due to (1) small parking lots, or (2) softer surfacing that would be torn up over time by constant heavy vehicles coming and going.  Personally I still have never Walmart-camped because I've never needed to, but I certainly plan on taking advantage of that opportunity if the need arises in the future.  The golden rule is a good one to follow.  :)

Not all RV'ers are as considerate as you.  The Wal-Mart in south Tucson had to close their parking lot because some RV'er dumped their holding tanks and the lot had to be decontaminated.

I'm sorry that you are having such problems with you recent purchase, but I think that frustration has colored your view and knowledge of the response you got regarding Wal-Marts, parking, camping fees, etc.

I dropped my Good Sam membership a couple of years ago but belong to FMCA and would join Escapees if we were full timers.Those two are non-profit organizations owned by their members and do not profit financially if you stay in a campground, or Wal-Mart for that matter. They are not "a group of self-righteous hypocritical people trying to tell me how to live my life." but organizations that try to make it easier for RVers to enjoy their life style and protect the RVing rights of their members. This includes fighting no RV parking rules. The problems come about when RVers abuse the privileges (parking at Wal-Mart is a privilege that it grants to you, not a right) and create problems for the property owners and others. If too many local residents come into a parking lot and it has RVs blocking areas, dumping trash or even sewage (and it happens) or setting up a "permanent" campsite, the residents complain and then we all lose the privilege of parking there.

The rules, actually guidelines, have been developed in conjunction with Wal-Mart and others in an effort to minimize complaints from non-RVers and make our stays there better for all concerned.

As you indicated, some Wal-Marts have no problem with extended stays but I would bet that they preferred that you kept your awnings, chairs and grills in.
Lorna said:

Not all RV'ers are as considerate as you.  The Wal-Mart in south Tucson had to close their parking lot because some RV'er dumped their holding tanks and the lot had to be decontaminated.

Wonder if that could have been the same folks from Quebec that did the same in Vermont. :mad:
Like seilerbird, I don't subscribe to the "one night only" guideline either. Some places have a one night limit and I'll obey it, but many venues do not.  Common sense and respect for the property owner is my guide. They are doing me a favor and I want to show my appreciation by being a desirable guest who is welcome to come again.
Seilerbird, well, you answered my question.

What a month you've had!  :( If I had gone through that, I'd be out of sorts, too!  :mad:

I've never stayed in a Walmart, but wouldn't hesitate to do that. I have stayed at Flying J, and appreciated the free parking, long enough to get some sleep and be on my way.

I do quite a bit of free camping. We live in Idaho and do most of our travel and camping, here. We stay in State Parks, mostly, with full hookups and we do that free, or nearly free. We are disabled vets, and the state gives us that priviledge. I do have to pay $5 per day, for the car, if we bring it, which we usually do. I have no objection to saving a buck, where I can.

I have two wishes, for you. First, I hope your RV is now problem free, and that you can get to enjoy it without all the expense and hassle you've been through. Second, I hope you reconsider some of the references to other members, here, and find as I have, that these are good people and good people to know.

Good luck. I think it's about time.  ::)

Ray D  ;D
seilerbird said:
I would be glad to explain it to you but you will probably be sorry you asked.

I am a decent human being,

  ~~~ Snip ~~~  ;D

If they don't want me here I will move on but only if Walmart tells me to, not a bunch of hypocrital RVers.

No need of re-posting the whole QUOTE as I agree 100% although I have no personal knowledge of using campgrounds. The look of most of them is enough of a turn off for me.
Since we bought our little camper in 2005 myself and others have been fighting the "NO RV OVERNIGHT PARKING"  Signs in our whole Province.
I've put in a lot of time lobbying to have a stupid regulation changed, and the signs taken down. So far the latter we have succeeded in accomplishing.
First a couple of such signs
Click--> and Click-->
To note signs reference the tourism act of NS as reason. Now one could ask why large retailers would be interested in the tourism act, tourists, yes the act no.  Now read the portion of the act referenced Section 3 and think of the cost of police enforcing such a law. Add to that it is a Properties Act NOT under the jurisdiction of the criminal code so he Police would be only be concerned IF the property owner submitted a complaint. So why did the signs go up?
The camp ground owners "COANS" and the umbrella group TIANS (Tourism Industry of NS) took it upon themselves to show WM and others they were breaking the law and as WM put it they only wanted to be good corporate citizens and put the signs up.
2006 was an election year, best time to get active. I was informed by our representative that the law was being misinterpreted and that previous Govt.'s had allowed it to go on too long and they would do something about it. So with the blessing of the Minister of Tourism and my MLA rep. we set out on a November trip around the Southern part of the Province. Stayed at Wal Marts every night right by the signs  (a citation would have been nice, but I didn't get one, so I didn't get to go to court)
Legal opinion is that the Province does not have the authority or right to enforce such a law regarding private property (Round one)
Due to the loss of revenue from the decrease in RV traffic to the Prov. ( 20% per year per year) because of a greedy few. (please note that it has been said that CG's in NS was like stepping back into the 60's) Hey if the Govt would herd all the RV's into their corals then they shouldn't have to do anything but collect the money. (There are a few who really work at having a decent CG)
Finally realizing the cost of their folly by allowing COANS to do as they pleased, the Gov then proclaimed that that the law didn't mean what it said  :eek:  letters from the minister to interested RV'ers were posted on the internet (thanks to RV'ers to the South who wrote the Gov.) (Round two)
"the law didn't mean what it said" anyone see the wonderful opening here?
I was also in posession of  other letters from the tourism dept.
OK I wrote to every member of the NS legislature quoting verbatum the letters from the Minister the Tourist Dept, and asked a simple question (basically if someone was being untruthful)
(1) I had no problem with WM or others posting their properties if that was their wishes
    However WM states that the reason for posting the signs is in fact Section 3 Article 3 of the NS Tourism act and if in fact this is the true meaning of the Act then WM is well within their right to post section 3 as the reason.

(2) If what the Minister and his Dept. were saying was correct, then WM for reasons of their own were causing this Prov. Loss of revenue. In this case WM and others should be informed they are not to use the NS Tourism act as an excuse to forbid RV overnight parking as it reflects badly on the Province.

This was quite a long letter step by step (there was no way out without losing face for them) and I got phone calls within a couple days (weekend) and that Monday the signs came down section 3 and all. There were a few hold outs, but as I got wind of them they came down to.


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