Passport For Canada ??

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2005
A friend told me today that if I travel to Canada, which I will next month, that I will need a passport to get back into the USA. Is this true ??
I have a billfold sized birth certificate and my drivers license, which is all I have needed before, but will get the passport if I have to.

If you are a native born US citizen, no passport should be required, but you will need photo ID which can be checked to assure you are indeed that citizen. We crossed the border several times in both directions with only our driving licenses as proof, though we carried other id as well. Hat was in 2002, so check with US officials on current requirements, tho.

A passport is always foolproof ID and can avoid any unpleasant arguments at the border.
WoodyVanNote said:
A friend told me today that if I travel to Canada, which I will next month, that I will need a passport to get back into the USA. Is this true ??
I have a billfold sized birth certificate and my drivers license, which is all I have needed before, but will get the passport if I have to.


Things are tightening down at our borders, both Canada and Mexico, and passports will be mandatory in 2008 irrc.  If you have the time, you might as well get a passport -- they are good for 10 years.   
WoodyVanNote said:
A friend told me today that if I travel to Canada, which I will next month, that I will need a passport to get back into the USA. Is this true ??
I have a billfold sized birth certificate and my drivers license, which is all I have needed before, but will get the passport if I have to.



As Carl said, they will be mandatory in 2008 so if you have the time go ahead and get one. I've heard differing reports about wheather you need one now or not. If you have one then there is no question and even an agent having a bad day can't give you a hassle.

As others have stated passports are not absolutely required at this time, but will be in 08.? ?Also as correctly stated, one would be wise to always travel with a passport, even if it's out of date, until the new rule becomes enacted.

Your passport will bide you well if you need to do financial transcations, exchange money, deal with travellers checks or even provide positive ID at the border.

Remember too, ,when crossing into Canada, DO NOT? carry any offensive or self defense weapons, and be prepared to answer the customs officer truthfully when he/she asks you if you are carrying....they will ask you.? These are illegal in our Country, so save yourself the embarrassment and unnecessary delays.

I will respectfully abstain from any discussion on the RV Forum, on issues of rights to carry weapons. ?It's the law in Canada, and visitors are obliged to comply.

Please view THIS POSTING on the Forum for comprehensive information as well as resources for visitng Canada.


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