PCMCIA card won't slide in

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Jan 13, 2005
One of the PCMCIA slots on one of my notebooks has decided to not allow cards to slide in although it's been fine for several years. Cards slide in a little over half way before I feel them binding on something. I tried different cards and they bind in roughly the same place. I peeked into the slot with a flashlight, but can't see anything obvious. Anyone have any words of wisdom?

Tom, The only problem I've had like that was the mechanism that ejects the cards was binding.  Can you exercise that part to see if it's ok?  Good luck.  lou
As Lou says, it could be the ejector is stuck or the guides could have some dirt in them.  Can you get to the slot mechanism by disassembling the notebook case?

If that doesn't work, then don't force it, get a bigger hammer :D
Thanks Lou and Ned. I can't seem to free it up, but I'm not yet ready to open the case. I'd just use the other slot but, for some reason, the USB2 card will only work in the slot that now won't accept cards.
Tom said:
Thanks Lou and Ned. I can't seem to free it up, but I'm not yet ready to open the case. I'd just use the other slot but, for some reason, the USB2 card will only work in the slot that now won't accept cards.

Tom, on some notebooks, only one slot will take cardbus cards.? That may be the case with the USB2 card.

Does it feel like the card is binding or does it seem like it's hitting a stop?? It may be that the rail got bent and the card needs to be pushed harder, but I wouldn't try that until I tried everything else.? Sometimes the support for the top card bends in the middle causing the jam.? If it bends down, it jams the bottom card, and if it bends up. it jams the top card.

Hi Al,

It definitely feels like it's binding rather than hitting a stop. I guess it can wait until we stop for the night on Wednesday.
Come on Tom, let's cut to the chase.  What more reason could you want to give you permission to get a new notebook? ;) ;D


LOL Doug, I'm not looking to replace this notebook as I already have its replacement.
Mystery solved, thanks to Al Griefer. Al grabbed a flashlight, looked in the slot and announced "there's something black shoved in there all the way back". I made a hook in the end of a piece of galvanized wire and retrieved one of the plastic doors of the PCMCIA slot that had apparently broken off as I'd inserted a card. Presumably, I shoved it all the way to the connector in my unsuccessful attempts to re-insert the card (aka used some persuasion to get it in).

A big thanks to Al. He was presented with the "Helping hands award" by Terry during last evening's happy hour at Moab.

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