Penetrating oil test

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2008
Machinist's Workshop magazine recently published some information on various penetrating oils that some of you might find interesting.  The magazine tested penetrates for break-out torque on rusted nuts.

They are below, as forwarded by a friend. They arranged a subjective test of all the popular penetrates with the control being the torque required to remove the nut from a "scientifically rusted" environment.

Penetrating oils ........... Average torque load to loosen
No Oil used ...................516 pounds
WD-40 ........................ 238 pounds
PB Blaster .................... 214 pounds
Liquid Wrench ...............127 pounds
Kano Kroil .................... 106 pounds
ATF-Acetone mix............53 pounds

The ATF-Acetone mix is a "home brew" mix of 50 - 50 automatic transmission fluid and acetone. Note this "home brew" released bolts better than any commercial product in this one particular test.  I?ve used this in a marine diesel engine that had rusted to the point it would not turn over.  I filled the cylinders with this mix, let it sit, and two days later the engine was once again running.

Note also that "Liquid Wrench" is almost as good as "Kroil" for about 20% of the price.

You can also use ATF and lacquer thinner in a 50-50 mix.
I have used PB Blaster since it was called JB Blaster back in the 60's; have to try the others. Also used CRC-56 with goo results. Oh: the Blaster usually is left on overnight to work its way around the thread, than another light blast and Viola!
A shop I worked at back in the early 70's used to keep a refillable pressurized spray canister on a warmer on low heat just to keep the contents warm for spraying on rusted on bolts and nuts. You would spray it on, then wait for about an hour, and the parts would normally come apart pretty easily after that. The contents of the sprayer was "oil of wintergreen" that they bought in a local drug store.
Interesting to see that the venerable old Liquid Wrench appears to be far superior to the often-touted PB Blaster.

I keep a couple spray cans of Kroil handy, though. A buddy who owns a machine shop turned me on to that.  Kano occasionally has a sale (direct mail order) so it's not too outrageous. I think I paid around $20 for two 10oz aerosol cans. Will maybe switch to the ATF and Acetone solution when that's gone.
Gary RV Roamer said:
Interesting to see that the venerable old Liquid Wrench appears to be far superior to the often-touted PB Blaster.

I keep a couple spray cans of Kroil handy, though. A buddy who owns a machine shop turned me on to that.  Kano occasionally has a sale (direct mail order) so it's not too outrageous. I think I paid around $20 for two 10oz aerosol cans. Will maybe switch to the ATF and Acetone solution when that's gone.

I was surprised that Liquid Wrench came out so good in their tests (I've always been a PB Blaster fan).  I Guess I'll have to try Kroil at least once.
In the refinery we used something affectionately called Panther P_ss.  It was a mixture of A.T.F. and J.P. 5 (or a high flash kerosine).  Used to have a crew go through a unit and squirt it on nuts and bolts prior to shutting down a unit.  It is flammable so caution had to be used on the temperature of the nut or bolt it was being applied.

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