Photographic knowledge and tips

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Jan 13, 2005
This morning I was reading back over the various topics posted on our small Photography and Imaging board. It's amazing how much information, knowledge and tips have been shared by our photographic experts and enthusiasts. Much of it was in response to questions from neophytes, folks doing research for a new camera, and folks just wanting to improve existing skills. Being a bunch of RVers, there's also a healthy sprinkling of opinion  ;D
I have given thought a few times to starting a thread that contained tips and suggestions from the advanced photographers aimed at beginners. Would this be a good idea?

Being a bunch of RVers, there's also a healthy sprinkling of opinion  ;D

Oh, Tom Tom Tom, you ain't seen nothing yet. RVers and their opinions are totally mild compared to a photography forum. It can come down to guns and knives when discussing which is better, Nikon or Canon. The big one was film or digital but fortunately film completely lost that one about 5 years ago.
I have given thought ... to starting a thread that contained tips and suggestions from the advanced photographers aimed at beginners.

That would be a wonderful idea if you had the time to do that, and would be very much appreciated by us neophytes.

The big one was film or digital ...

For a number of years I've had a habit, after getting folks to pose for a group shot, of saying "oops, I forgot to put film in the camera". Or, if I'm in the shot, I'll ask the person taking the picture "did you remember to put film in the camera?" Both versions usually cause a momentary pause before folks realize I'm just kidding, and laugh.

When I asked the question of the photographer at our grandson's wedding a few years ago, he was quite upset, and let me know in no uncertain terms "I'm a professional! I have a digital camera that doesn't need film!" Not wanting to let the tease go, I replied "Really? A camera without film? Whatever will they think of next?" I didn't want to tell him that I'd been using digital cameras while he was still in diapers, or at least still in school  ;D
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