Physical address extension (PAE) why with 1gb RAM?

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
Payson AZ
I notice in My Computer, General, I have 1gb RAM and Physical Address Extension activated.  boot.ini file says

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Media Center Edition" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

The "noexecute" activates the PAE.  Anybody found a need for this under 4gb RAM?  I have a P4 WinXPMCE.  I'm still having trouble upgrading to 2gb RAM.  I installed it again today after a weekend restore.  Changed the pagefile to "System managed" and Media Center worked for an hour.  Then it crashed and subsequently lasted less than an hour with subsequent problems, until I popped out the new RAM and put back the 1x512mb.  Think this PAE thing may be an issue?

Could someone running XP right click on My Computer, left click on properties, and see if Physical Address Extension is activated in your computer?  It's in the General tab down below the RAM line.

Anybody found a need for this under 4gb RAM?
Think this PAE thing may be an issue?
In a word, no. I truly believe you're reaching for straws at this time, when you should put it in the manufacturers lap and say "You said it will support 2GB ram; make it do so. Some motherboards have issues with where the memory slots are placed and how long the printed traces are. Sometimes you can change BIOS setting to adjust the read/write timings, number of tics, latency, etc., but that's not something you as a user want to (or should have to) mess with. Put the ball in their court! 
Pat said:
Could someone running XP right click on My Computer, left click on properties, and see if Physical Address Extension is activated in your computer?? It's in the General tab down below the RAM line.


No for my copy of XP as well.

And I agree with Karl -  either make Sony own up to the problem or abandon the upgrade project.  The longer you let them escape responsbility, the less likley there will be a satisfactory resolution.
Pat said:
I'm still having trouble upgrading to 2gb RAM.


Have you checked the speed of the new RAM vs. the max allowable on that MB? On the other end, is the new card slower than allowable on the MB?

Are you leaving the 512 in another slot or adding to the 2gb addition? If both are in slots, are ther speeds different?? All RAM chips should have the same speed -- although I hear different arguments (in that it is OK, just that all installed RAM will run at the speed of the slowest bank). I have run with differnt speeds, but had intermittent problems.

Most newer MB's automatically adjust for different size RAM -- however, older MB's require either dip switch or jumper setting changes for different RAM sizes. I don't recall ever making a BIOS change when adding RAM.

What is the source of the 2gb addendum card? They come in inexpensive/unreliable to middle of the road to expensive/more relieable. I bought a cheapo 1gb at Fry's once -- and after much grief, returned it for a better card. You will find cards where each module comes from a different far east country -- some I have never heard of.

edit 7/2/06: I hadn't seen your other post and the specs there on the "2" 4200 512's. So the MB takes pretty fast RAM.
Bascially I abandoned the project.  Someone in Sony engineering could only surmise that the memory controller can't handle beyond 1gb RAM.  He also speculated a possible BIOS flash might fix the problem; although, the BIOS always recognized the 2gb.  I am watching the Sony webiste frequently for some update.  Because of the differing opinions and pure speculation I have received from Sony, I have never been convinced that anybody at Sony is confident of what they're talking about with this issue. 

For now the 1gb isn't slowing things down, and I plan to replace this machine with a fully integrated Vista all-in-one next year.  Saves a couple hundred bucks for the RAM upgrade.


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