Piggyback Trip Days 25-28

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Betty Brewer

Moderator Emeritus
Mar 10, 2005
Hello Fellow Mexico fans,

We leave Cabo San Lucas to head north up the Baja Peninsula toward La Paz. We have moved our mirrors in and are grateful to the wagon master who calls out the oncoming traffic.? "18 wheeler from the front" becomes a familiar and comforting? announcement as we anticipate traffic around narrow curves with no shoulders. The scenery is beautiful but all navigators agree the drivers should not be looking anyplace but toward the road in front of them. Some drivers have commented to their passengers "If you don't like how I drive, I will be happy to unhook and let you drive the car." I have a new definition of narrow roads.? Yikes.? We arrived at Casa Blanca? RV Park in La Paz which was by far the tightest and least maneuverable park on the trip.? I had to get out of the motorhome and guide Terry through the narrow arches of the park to guide us in.? Once inside we don't come close to fitting into the space we are assigned.? After several radio communications we are parked in a position not quite? parallel to the spot but since our caravan fills the entire park there is no need to worry about our parking angle. The treat of the next day is a visit to the weavers shop.? Here the locals are using? looms that look like something? that the Pilgrims might have used.? They are old, wooden rickety and yet they are producing some mighty beautiful rugs, table cloths and wall hangings, most of which I purchased. We can no longer sit on the couch of our motorhome due to my purchases.? Do I care?? That night at happy hour I invited Ben, a local blanket vendor, to bring his wares to our group.? We negotiated a group price and some of the? blankets were in a bidding war.? We were all winners as we were happy with our purchases.? Now on up north to Mulege.

This is an area in which Terry has been on prior fishing trips.? Different though as he flew in and was not driving these roads.? Santispac Beach is a dry camp area where we are right on the water.? We nose? to the water and hope the tide does not cover our wheels in the morning.? The views are spectacular and we know our RV Forum friends , Colette and Peter Cashmore are nearby.? As the satellite worked, we email them with the reply that we are but 3 kilometers south of them. We make arrangements to meet them and discover the little piece of paradise they have managed to capture.? Their views are to die for and we learn of their home plans.? Mexico has it's challenges with construction but the environment is awesome.? We have a festive get together and watch the rising moon.? Wow is all I can say. Our Caravan friends have a beach bon fire which? is flooded when the tides come in.? No matter we are happy campers.

Whale watching in Guerro Negro is next.

Betty Brewer


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