Places To Go

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Apr 13, 2008
Wilmington, North Carolina

I read the thread about where to go, I think in the library.  I am about two weeks away from delivery of a new small trailer RV.  I am spending the time getting the tow vehicle ready, reading up on many of the how to discussions, making lists of things Ill need, and thinking about places to go.

I live in SE NC and we have a great area to get out and enjoy the out of doors.  There are a great many spots which are 2-300 miles away that will be great get aways.  However, I am attempting to identify closer to home places that I could go to on a normal weekend, maybe a hundred miles or less from home.  There are a few that I have thought about.

I was wondering if anyone knew if you could park/camp overnight at one of the many North Carolina Wildlife Ramps.  We have about twenty five in the close in area and they are mostly located at very nice water bourne sites.  Many are fairly busy and would not make good targets, but there are some isolated ones that are never to my knowledge busy at all.


Hi Mark.  Are you asking about staying in a parking area for one of the boat launch ramps?

Actually, from where you live and if we get any storms this summer, you could probably just get in the RV and let the wind take you places.  ;D

There are several wildlife ramps in my area, most all in very nice locations.  Most of the time the large parking area is near empty, and it got me thinking.

We wont talk about getting blown around like that.  Althought the law of averages saw to keep our eyes open.  We have been lucky for about the past five years.  However, each of the six years before that, well, we got blown around.

I only visit them to launch my boat and fish so have no clue if you can overnight a rig there or not.  Certainly couldn't hurt to ask though.

Our lack of storms in recent years is a mixed blessing.  On the good side. no hurricane damage.  On the bad side, not nearly enough annual rainfall so that we are still under severe drought conditions.

I'm really hoping for 3-4 tropical storms to pass through and leave a few inches of wet stuff so we don't start looking like the area around Yuma, AZ.

Still and all, I do want to let you know that the rest of NC appreciates Wilmington acting as a lightning rod for any storms that decide to move up the East Coast.
Lightning Rod, yep, when we were being hit each year a few times that is what we felt like.  I bought a small marina on Topsail Island which no one from out of the area has heard about.  The year I bought the marina two hurricanes made their landfall at Topsail Island.  So not only do you get to thank us for being a lightning rod, but also for acting as the xross hairs.

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