Plans changed. I'm wintering in Phoenix--- darn!

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Bruce Patterson

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2005
Some where on the Third Planet from Sol, Milky Way
Well, it's terrible duty, but somebody's gotta do it.  Two weeks ago I was in Altoona, PA.  My boss called and sent me to Dulles Airport to work on the tower there.  I wasn't there a whole day before I got a call telling me to leave for Phoenix. 

Darn!  I have to spend the winter somewhere the pipes won't freeze.  They wanted me to fly, but I talked them out of it and headed southwest after replacing all six tires on my truck ($1500-- ouch) drove through the weekend on overtime and arrived here Monday.

Co-incidentially, my 86 year old father just stared a new job and had to fly to Phoenix for orientation so we met here.  He got to see my truck and trailer for the first time when he came over for dinner Wednesday, then last night we went to Ruth's Chris Steak house in Scotsdale, near his hotel.

He flew home today, and S?nia and I are flying there tomorrow for a week's annual leave and my brother's wedding.  Be back here in a week.

We're at Desert's edge RV park in Deer Valley if anyone is interested in a mini-rally.  Be here until early Feb. at the minimum (so they say).  Planning a trip to the Grand Canyon for Christmas... I think.  No charge to accept guests here.  We've got a double site, plenty of room for a BAR-BE-QUE.

Come on over and see us some time.  Love to have you meet my lovely wife!

The Bruce
Bruce  Congrats on the demotion to Phoenix.  Smoky/Admiral and The Boss/myself are here at PEM ( Pueblo El Mirage and  Russ and I think Ned/Lorna are at Happy Trails neither very far away.  Sat this week starting at 10AM and going into the Evening is Party Day here.  Starts with the Horseshoe pitching at 10AM  Planning on winning this thing myself but bad back may prevent it.  Sorry you won't be here to visit us and party the day away, cause everyone is welcome.  We got here last Dec and basicly haven't left.  Tough running around in Jan and Feb in shorts. Glad you made it and left us know when you return and we'll get together.,
We'll be at Happy Trails in Surprise for Jan-Feb.  I'm sure we'll have a few forum get-to-gethers during that time.
We'd better  I'm planning on it., cause the wife loves to cook.  Hoping to have one here.

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