Plastic Sink

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New member
Nov 8, 2012
Milton, WV
Is there any way to keep the plastic sink in our 2004 Winnebago Adventurer clean? It seems like it always looks dingy after cleaning.

Any suggestions on where to find a suitable stainless replacement?

Magic Sponge from Dollar General will erase the stains.    :)  Made mine look brand new.

As for replacement, depends on what you are looking for , include pic and size of existing sink and we can see what you want to replace.
I use a SoftScrub with bleach, does a good job on keeping it white.  I rub it on, let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes and wash away.  Usually only need to do it once a trip, if that, to keep it white and clean.
I saw a video clip of cleaning the RV plastic sink with OXY-Clean. Fill up the sink to the top of the stain area. Put a 1/3 cup of OXY-Clean in the sink swish it around to dissolve and let it set for 10 minutes or so. Drain and flush and you will be surprised at how bright the sink becomes.
We have been doing this for a year also work on stainless steel travel mugs which get a coffee or tea stain.
Y-Guy said:
I use a SoftScrub with bleach, does a good job on keeping it white.  I rub it on, let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes and wash away.  Usually only need to do it once a trip, if that, to keep it white and clean.

That is what I do when necessary.
I also keep a spray bottle of Clorox brand cleaner under the cabinet and use that every few days.
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