Plastic smell from new heater

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Jan 27, 2015
We took our maiden voyage this weekend in our new Winnebago Micro Minnie.  Since it was cold, we turned on the heater.  As it heated up, :-[ there was a definite plastic smell that made the smoke alarm go off.  What is it?  Does it have an easy fix?  It's such a pain to go back to the dealer.
Dust or construction debris in the heat ducts or on top of the furnace itself? Would have to be very close the furnace to be hot enough to make smoke. I think I would take it to a Winnie dealer and make a warranty claim. Fire risk is not something to ignore, especially in an RV (aka tinderbox).
10 minutes before it started to smell.  We saw no smoke but the alarm went off so we cut the furnace off.  Later we tried it again with the same result.
"Definition of an idiot......" :p
Had better ask the dealer to check it out. It is an important issue related to safety. You should pay attention to it.
Carbon monoxide can also be present along with other smelly gases. Just because you can smell it doesn't mean it isn't there  ???
Sprucegum said:
Carbon monoxide can also be present along with other smelly gases. Just because you can smell it doesn't mean it isn't there  ???

Rene did not say that the offending odor "could contain" carbon monoxide but rather it "could be" CO. I agree the vapors could contain CO but do not want people to get the idea that you can smell CO. You can smell engine exhaust gases that probably contain CO but you do not smell the CO content. Sometimes CO can be present in toxic gases that are completely odorless, for example, a leaky combustion chamber on a furnace. Relying on smell can be dangerous, or even deadly, for detecting the presence or absence of CO.


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