Please don't do as I did

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2006
Florida, USA
I had the wonderful  :'( experience the other day maneuvering my rig out of a tight space
  Had to back into a corner, slowly, where a fence met a small building. Now it was time to go forward and be on my way. CRUNCH--- the wideswinging rear end touched the roof eave of the building, caught the upper corner of my left rear back roof area.
  I was going about .001 mph, but that was enough.  The edge of the eave caught the upright corner molding and pushed it back, leaving a 2"  gap athe top and tapering to zero at the bottom near the bumper. Ho Boy! Maybe I can fix it myself. But my inner soul told me that that would be above my paygrade.
    Call to the Insurance Company. No problem they said, take it to our authorized body shop about 30 mile away and we will have an adjuster look at. I said ok.

Next day they called and gave me the good news. An estimate for  $5100.00 was approved.
Luckily my deductible is 250.00. I was crying and smiling at the same time.

Moral of the story: Don't always trust the person guiding you from the ground in front of the bus.
                          Do always remember the long rear overhang when turning.
My record was broken - first insurance claim on any vehicle in my life. 50 years of driving.

Observation: RV's are not Sherman Tanks, they are mostly plywood and plastic.
Take care, folks
carson FL.
Do not feel bad.  I have got 40 years of driving experience and I cut my teeth on big trucks and tractors.  Yet last year I bought a new MH and on our first trip out I got stuck basically in a parking lot at a mountain lake.  After unhooking my car and car dolly I commenced to try and turn around with the help of two people who just happened to follow me in with a truck and fifthwheel and they too were stick till I could turn around.  The MH backup camera was inop when I bought it and a new one was on order.  Anyway in the process of backing down a car lined road to turn around I hit a tree busting up the let rear corner of my MH and destroying the ladder as well.  Like you the insurance took care of it to the tune of 7900 dollar, but my rates went up by 20 dollars a month because of it.  I am glad we have that insurance as well.  Good luck on your travels.  And glad your repairs were not worse both in damage and repair costs. 
Hi, All
  Just a little update on my "ooops" RV damage (see Post 1)
At first it looked like a cinch to fix, but, alas, it was worse. Not only was the corner molding ripped back a bit, but also there was internal damage in the bedroom wall. Needs new paneling across the backend.
  Then there was structural internal wall damage (wooden uprights were splintered)
So the whole external backend has to come off and will be replaced with a new one.
Time-frame for the whole repair process: in excess of 7 weeks.

Hope it will be ready in time for our BIG trip in May from Florida to Vancouver,BC via the Western Canada Highways from Saskatchewan West.
The trip is BIG because we have to come back too.  :D 

Moral of the story: Watch your Rear End.
carson, FL
Ouch that hurts.  Hope they get if fixed well and I am sure it will be done in time for your trip.  And enjoy that as well.  One of the trips we want to make once we hit the roads again is to enter British Columbia than drive across Canada to Niagara Falls than back across the northern states of the US.  Good luck and wish you well in both your repairs and on your trip. 
Thanks for the good wishes ,Lee.
I have driven all the way from the West Coast to Nova Scotia in my time. Nice LONG trip.
Be prepared for a long, lonely stretch from Saskatchewan to Ontario. Good time to stop once in a while and smell the flowers.
carson FL.
Hi Carson,

Sorry to hear about your problem. Don't worry, many of us have done similar things. No matter how hard we try there's always the chance we'll miss something, even with guidance from outside. Hope they get you back on the road quickly.

Where are you in FL? We're in Titusville.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the "condolences", I'll get over it.  ;D
Just came back from seeing the rig in Brooksville ,Fl at the RV shop. Repair is under way. The whole back was removed and a new one is ready to be installed. It was interesting to see how the body is constructed, which you can't see from the outside of the finished product. All I can say it all looks very fragile; even a tree branch could puncture the walls. My rear end will at least be nice and shiny with the new paint.

We live in Lecanto about 5 miles East of Crystal River; 10 miles West of Inverness in Citrus County.
Have been here for seven years, after leaving the Pacific Northwest in 2000, for retirement reasons. My rig is in a fenced compound 3 minutes from home. My cost: 100 bucks a year. It is part of the Community Association of my neighborhood. Good deal, after having read some of the other posts re cost of storage.

My wife and I and Panda,the canine king, were in Titusville a few months ago to revisit Jetty Park, where we stayed 8 years ago. Not much changed there.

Take care, my friend
carson FL
Hi Carson,

Yep, we all get over it. :) These rigs are fragile when compared to a house but it needs to be that way. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to drive them. Glad to hear it's getting repaired quickly.

We've spent time in the Seminole area where my parents used to live. Never got up north much but have been through there once or twice. If you're ever in Titusville again give us a shout. We're here for winters sometimes. Jetty Park is a neat place and they have apparently changed the campground since we stayed there. At least there's a new entrance. Great place to watch the ships leave Port Canaveral and watch a launch. The beach is also great for walking.

SO.... NOW YOU TELL ME!!!  :eek: ??? :D

I was driving down a narrow street a few months ago & clipped the bumper of a BMW.  It popped right off like a pull tab!  I didn't' even notice it!  Someone ran me down accusing me of hit & run!  I went back (of course) & gave my insurance info, by the time I got back the police were there!  Gave my insurance info & haven't heard another word! 

Luckily... I washed the damage off my Lazy Daze w/ water & a microfiber towel!
Hi all,
Just a little update on the body repair work.
  The job is all finished and I am happy to have the rig back home, so I can do  myriad chores on it to get ready for the summer season. Nothing major, just house-keeping so to speak: New gas filter,a liitle rust repair in watertank area access hatch, install and check/adjust the Brakebuddy,etc.

  Total cost of repair escalated to $9200.00. Who would have thunk it.
They did an outstanding job. (Thanks Scott and Dave).

There is a silver lining: I now have a really nice shiny rear end!  ;)  ;)

carson FL  83.5F
carson said:
I had the wonderful  :'( experience the other day maneuvering my rig out of a tight space
   Had to back into a corner, slowly, where a fence met a small building. Now it was time to go forward and be on my way. CRUNCH--- the wideswinging rear end touched the roof eave of the building, caught the upper corner of my left rear back roof area.

OK, my turn.  I drive truck for a living.  I back up trailers all day long.  However, when you are backing up a pick-up truck, and you think there is a tree back there, and you thought you seen a tree back there.....then there is a tree back there.  Bumper, tailgate and related parts......$1500.  The "I told you so" look from the wife....priceless. 

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