Possible New RVer

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New member
Dec 26, 2006
Hi, I am new to RVing and this Forum.  I am open to anybody's input as your experience will far outweigh my own.  My family is looking at purchasing a Class C to take weekend trips annual vacations.  I feel like I missed out on the family road trips growing up and want to make sure my kids are able to experience them.  I would prefer to buy a used RV rather than a new one and found a used 2000 Itasca Spirit with a Chevy power base with only 49000 miles.  The price is right, and appears to be in good shape.  But what appears to be in good shape in my eyes, may not be in an experienced individuals opinion.

It is being sold by a RV Dealer and I am told that I can purchase an Bumper to Bumper Warranty with 0 deductible for an additional $2500, so this would put my worries about it breaking down at ease.

Is there anything specific you would recommend I look at while inspecting it, or anything you know about Itasca that would dter you from purchasing this?

I am greatful for any input you may have, and thankful for this Forum being available.

Hi Rodger and welcome to our forum.

A class C is a great way to go if you have kids. But, be sure to check out some articles in our forum library before you purchase. Click the Library button above and select Checklists.

I'll let someone else respond to the warranty question, but typically you don't want to buy the warranty from the dealer.
Hi Rodger,

Your idea of a Class C is perfect for a family. The warranty issue might be good or it might not. Reading the fine print is VERY important and usually the cost is double what it should be. Also, don't fall in love with the first coach you find. There are a lot of them out there and you will find the one that fits the bill for you.

Getting the kids on the road will be great for their enjoyment and education! There's so much to see and do in this great country of ours.
2500 sure seems high for a warranty.  On a Class A for 4 yrs I paid 1800 for $50 dedectible.  Dealer making about  700.  JMHO
Welcome to the RV Forum. Please look around the forum,  join in on any of the on going discussions, start new discussions, or ask questions. Thanks for joining us.

Regarding extemnded warranty IMHO dealerships is not the place to buy one.  If you can get them to throw in the warranty to close the deal fine but DON"T pay extra.
AMen  and make sure  it's no more than $100 deductible and prefer 50 per service call no matter how many items are wrong.

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