post-Sandy at Assateague NP??

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2011
Hello All,
Have been trying unsuccessfully to get an update regarding the campground at Assateague NP in the aftermath of Sandy.  I know the park is closed through today (at least).  Think the phones may be down, we are getting a busy signal instead of the recording at the info center.  We have seen some updates on OC, but not much on Assateague - except a news brief that the ponies were able to get to high ground, so that is some good news!
If any forum members are in that area and have news, I would love an update.  We had planned on heading down tomorrow evening for a few days but looks like that plan will be pushed back.
Thanks and Happy Camping!
I saw an aerial shot of Assateague Island today.  The island appears to have been reduced by about half.  I don't know if the bridge is open.  The thought is that there will be little restructuring or restoration because it IS a preserve and Sandy was a natural occurrence.  I have not heard that the ponies have been checked on, but I know that the higher pine stands survived, which is where the ponies would have gone.  I don't think there is anything in the way of camping services or even parking lots left over there.

Thanks Susan.  The NPS website says both MD parks are open for day use (as of noon today) - NP campground and VA district are closed.  A local fishing group had their annual beach cleanup planned for next weekend - if they are able to hold the event, I plan on going as I am sure there is much to do.
Castaways, which is right across the bay, has a statement on their Facebook page that they didn't have any damage, in case that helps...
Didn't even think to check there!  Thanks!!
BTW, have you ever stayed at Castaways?  My girlfriends and I have been thinking of going to Castaways for a girls weekend (we don't see eye to eye on camping and they would head for the hills if they saw the facilities at Assateague NP haha!) but its pricey I have been afraid to book a weekend.  This would be a late spring trip so we could take a chilly dip, enjoy the tiki bar...
It is one of our favorite places, hands-down! We are there for a week every summer. I don't think you could go wrong there! We also splurge and get a golf cart rental, which is a blast. The facilities are fantastic and clean too. Love the place!
Thanks for the info.  I am going to send the website link to my friends so we can plan something for our 2013 trip!  Watch out Castaways!!!  Kidding, we are older and pretty much harmless these days haha.
They have a smaller part of the beach reserved for just for dogs (dogs must bring their humans, LOL). Also have  a dog run, too.  Have a blast when you go!
It looks like the sand dunes protected the campgrounds, I can make out the site we were in last year at the National Seashore CG.

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